~ a ROMANTIC way to end the day ~ REVEAL REVEAL!!!

This is my fourth pair of Louboutins.

I fell in love with this particular style as soon as I first laid my eyes on them.

I almost missed out on them.

It took a lot of effort, research and resourcefulness for me to find a pair of this style (in the specific color that I wanted) in this part of the world.

I'm really proud of these darlings, and I must say they are my current favorite... well.... after to my Ambers, they're my favorite. :P

My SA in St. Honore actually e-mailed me when they first came in. I believe they were the first boutique to receive this pair. Unfortunately, I was still undecided then whether to get the shoes or not. I ended up losing the shoes to other customers.

When I finally decided to get these, almost every boutique I could contact didn't have them available anymore. For weeks, I called everyone. After painstakingly contacting countless boutiques, I got hold of Sharon from Boutique On Lan Street, Hong Kong. I was so happy when she told me they still had on pair of these in my size!

Right away, after Sharon put my shoes on hold, I flew to Hong Kong to get them. I even treated my family so that they could join me for my little weekend getaway!

I'm so happy I got to get these shoes! I really, really love them and I think they truly look classically romantic. Don't you think so too? :biggrin:
