24! Jack Bauer is my hero!


Piggy Fajita
Sep 19, 2007
I cant find the 24 thread in here!!! I'm so disappointed that fox has decided to postpone the 7th seaosn!!!!! My life without a new jack bauer episode every week is drab...i'm left watching season 6 dvd set. :tdown:
^ Well everyone makes mistakes.. ;)

I love 24!!!! I'm so addicted right now..I've been watching previous seasons to make up for the loss of new episodes. Season 7 will be sooo different because CTU doesn't exist anymore.

Which was your favorite season? I think I liked season 5 the best (the one with sentox nerve gas) although many characters were killed.
wait...CTU doesnt exist anymore in season 7!??! OMG...this makes me want to see season 7 even more now!!!!!
He had his pants around his ankles?? I should watch the news or check tmz more, i missed out! :roflmfao:
I got hooked after the first episode i saw ...even tho it was a random episode in a random season. I went out and bought all the seasons at costco.
^ Same thing happened with me..I saw a random episode of Season 5 that my brothers were watching and next thing I know..they got me all the seasons on DVD. I am hooked!!! I am watching season 3 again right now.
I can't wait for season 7 - when will it be? Things are not the same without Tony and Michelle though! My favorite seasons were 2, 3 & 4 because my favorite couple was sizzling on screen. Season 5 was good too but why did they have to be killed off?! :hysteric:
ahh I feel your pain too! I was sooooo looking forward to Season 7, and there is no date for when it will be aired, so I have had to trawl through all the previous seasons too ;)

I loved season 5, I thought Martha was amazing, and I loved the tender relationship she built up with Aaron Pearce! I love Chloe too :biggrin:

I have just read Keithers Biography too, he has sure had an interesting life!