2024 (+end '23) Kakaotalk Chat Group

Hi everyone, I notice that there isn't a chat group going for December and 2024 yet, so I've started one https://open.kakao.com/o/gA9NwrDf

Additionally, I'm nearing the end of my journey and because of the number of procedures (every part except ears and body) I've had done I had to do quite a bit of research. It would be a waste for all it to go to waste, and I'll be posting them as announcements in this thread

I am still in the midst of populating it, and will include what I know about travel, accommodation, expenses, translators, how to research clinics, etc. I will not be pinning my own reviews but will post this here separately after I'm back from my current trip. I will, however, collate a database of clinics I've looked into (the popular local/foreigner ones) as well as links to their websites

I've been around the different chat groups (I only have one nickname, WB) and I realize some have been having difficulty funneling themselves into the different chats. Also some chats tend to be more dead, so I'll consolidate all my resources into one
Please add me: kkt id: jamjamv