2022 Holiday Pendant

Ohh I do really like the subtle detail on the left, and it's more vibrant. Is the white-ish edge noticeable in person? It appears that both pendants have it, possibly intentional?
Thank you! I love it when my choices are validated :lol:

It is if you see it up close. I think they all have it possibly due to shaving of the porcelain. I am thinking they shaved the clover shape after they colored the porcelain?

Despite the white edges, I got it because it is subtle enough in person and no one will look examine necklace that up close anyway. It truly is gorgeous.
Thank you! I love it when my choices are validated :lol:

It is if you see it up close. I think they all have it possibly due to shaving of the porcelain. I am thinking they shaved the clover shape after they colored the porcelain?

Despite the white edges, I got it because it is subtle enough in person and no one will look examine necklace that up close anyway. It truly is gorgeous.
The OCD in me will have a love and hate relationship. Lol
Agree, I have the WG guilloche HP and it’s one of my most worn jewelry piece. The guilloche design in YG or WG is so versatile and timeless. You won’t regret it.
The guilloche is beautiful. I have the magic pendant, earrings, 10 motif and bracelet and I wear it constantly. The texture is very beautiful like a shining sun. A lot of people were like meh about the purchase and I’ve never regretted it - and get endless compliments. I worried about it scratching too and it never has so far.