2 *bay actions with exactly the same pictures?


I'm a real Girl now!
Nov 15, 2009
I have been looking for a red purse and came across an auction that I put on Watch. I got an email saying that auction was ending soon and at the bottom it always shows similar items. It caught my eye that one of the similar items is the exact same pictures of the first auction.

Is there a "Things that make you go hmmmm" smilie???


Ebay now allows people access to others pictures, I think, I remember reading here on the forum, that unless you opted out your pics would be available to other sellers.
Ebay now allows people access to others pictures, I think, I remember reading here on the forum, that unless you opted out your pics would be available to other sellers.

That's interesting. Thanks for passing that along!

I think that it would be more fair to buyers if sellers were required to tell you that the pictures you see are not the exact product that would be sent to you.
^^I searched...I can't find the info...anyone know what thread or where to find the info to opt out on eBay? I don't remember ever reading this so wanted to check my options.
TIA!! :smile:
I'm not sure if this is what you need but here it is anyway!

Sharing and using content

For the convenience of sellers, we offer a product catalog of photos, item descriptions, and specifications, which are provided by users and/or third parties. Sellers can use content from this product catalog when creating their listings.

We might, at our discretion, use photos that you upload to your listings to represent a product in our product catalog. If we do, we’ll display your user ID and a link to your My World page on the product details page of the product featured in your photo.

All photos in all listings will be automatically reviewed for possible inclusion in the catalog, unless you opt out of this program. While there’s no guarantee that any of your photos will be selected, you may gain valuable exposure in the catalog if they are.

If you don’t want us to consider your photos for inclusion in the catalog, you’ll need to opt out. You can opt back in at any time if you change your mind.
Opting out


Click My eBay at the top of most eBay pages and sign in.

Click the Account tab.

Click the Site Preferences link.

Click the Seller Preferences link.

Click the Show link next to Share your photos.

Click the Edit link next to Consider photos I upload in the listing process for inclusion in the eBay product catalog and other product offerings.

If you want to opt out, click the If you'd like to opt-out of this program, please do so by checking this box and clicking the "submit" button below check box.

Click the Submit button.
OHHH you are soooo AWESOME!! Thanks so much for that, I need to go take care of that on my account!! :smile:

EDIT: I have to add you gave really good directions...I got it handled!! :smile: Thanks again for posting that!! :smile:
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