Do you feel guilty about money spent on designer bags?


Jul 7, 2006
I am feeling extremely guilty after purchasing my first balenciaga work bag. I know it's gorgeous and it's gonna last me for a long time, but the most I've spent on a bag was about $600 on a LV musette tango. This is more than double!!

Not that i'm in debt or anything, I pay off my credit card everymonth, i save, i contribute to 401K, i even give a big chunk of my check to my grandma and mother overseas, but I'm feeling horrible about spending so much on one item!!

Do you ever feel guilty? How should I deal with this guilt?

ALso, when the bag comes and dh ask me how much this is, what should i tell him? He WILL faint if i tell him the truth!
shushopn said:
I'm Jewish I was born w/ guilt.

To find a comment like that any where else I'd be amused.

Here I almost find it unsettling.

I see no reason for guilt, and if hubby has a problem its his not yours. As I think your entitled to things as long as your not putting yourself into debt.
i was brought up with very thrifty parents despite the fact that my parents are fairly well off... i have been taught to save my money and it's ridicious to spend a ton of money on "vain" items such as bags...

so, for me to even consider buying a bag that's over $200 is like "whoa"... so yeah, i feel guilty even considering buying a $1200 bag...

however, i am spending my own money, and my bf feels that whatever makes me happy he is ok with it... :love:
I think enjoying something nice for yourself is perfectly reasonable. Be it a massage or a beautiful bag. If you feel guilty about the purchase perhaps reflecting on this guilt by journaling or time spent in contemplation may better help you to understand it and decide if it's reasonable or not. Having guilt over something you enjoy only mars the experience and understanding it, may help to prevent it in the future.
Sometimes I do feel guilty.. sometimes I don't. Since I don't have a job (I tried to get one this summer.. applied at 10 places at a local mall and didn't get a single call back) I feel guilty spending the money my family gives me for birthdays & Christmas, even though they tell me I should enjoy it and all and buy whatever I want. I still feel that it isn't really MY money and I didn't earn it, so I shouldn't spend it all on something expensive. For my sweet 16 a few days ago, I got A LOT more money than I usually do (partly because my parents aren't going to let me use their car once I get my drivers license because a third insurance policy is too $$ - since I'm a male - so they're bribing me) and I have some stuff I want (some LV, some Gucci) and I'm contemplating whether or not to buy..

I do love sales and recently got a bunch of stuff for WAY less than retail, and that makes me not guilty about my spending, but when it comes to LV, we all know there are no sales.

I think once I do get a job (when school starts I'll just go to the Guidance office and see what jobs are available - should of done that in the first place) and start earning my own money I'll feel less guilty about splurging.
alvie223 said:
To find a comment like that any where else I'd be amused.

Here I almost find it unsettling.

I see no reason for guilt, and if hubby has a problem its his not yours. As I think your entitled to things as long as your not putting yourself into debt.

Trust me Alvie it was meant to be mildly amusing.:yes: I've been married too long to have guilt about shopping or anything else for that matter.
I never feel guilty for buying an expensive handbag since I work and have no debts. For me, being guilty ruins all the fun of buying and using the bag ... otherwise, it's better not to buy it all!

My husband is also very understanding about my bags!
Fayewolf, I too feel guilty after buying a pricey handbag. I think it is just my nature. Plus, since I don't work, and I know that my DH doesn't understand handbag collections at all I feel extra stressed to be spending money that he has earned. Like you, the financial side of it isn't the issue, because we are fortunate enough to be able to afford my indulgences.

So having said all that, the good thing is the guilt quickly passes - it just evaporates! Probably another aspect of my nature.

I hope you can enjoy your new Balenciaga! Oh, and I always ROUND WAY DOWN the amount of money I tell him I spent on a bag. Somethings just aren't necessary to divulge! HaHa!!
Sometimes, but only for a day or two. Then I get over it because I work really hard, and I like to reward myself. I'm okay as long as I do not go into debt! If I can't pay it off when the bill arrives, then I hold off...
yes i definitely feel guilty at times...not just because i'm not bringing in any income at the moment but also because i realize i spend an obscene amount of money on bags when there are people in this world going to bed hungry (sorry to be such a downer here but it's true)... obvisouly i get over it as i continue to make these purchases...when i'm feeling particularly bad i try to do something constructive such as make a donation or sign up for volunteer work, etc...and fayewolf i'm really impressed that you help your family, that is truly wonderful!