Your unGrail Scarf/Designer


Sep 21, 2006
Well, we've got a threads on what scarf you are wearing, what is your grail scarf, scarves with horses and others. So it got me to thinking:
Is there any scarf or designer that you do not like and would not want even if given to you or found new "in your aunt's drawer" for instance?
:lol:...There are some of the animals scarves that don't really do it for me. But I had the K.Oliver scarves for years and was unsure about wearing their patterns, but have grown to love the colors. They are some of my favorite scarves, so never say never...I might be wearing the daschsands (sp.?) on my neck in a few years.

tourterelles :Push: whoever thought of putting pigeons on a scarf must have a sick sense of humour :wtf:
ceres -- blech:

Whoa DQ, those are creepy, esp that first one. What's that supposed to be?

I agree w/ you about the folding thing GF, but I have to say that for awhile I kept buying scarves for their full-on effect and had to train myself to do the fold prior to purchase, because otherwise I just ended up framing all my scarves....