my workplace is a cold cold world.

Well if you haven't already done so, it's time to update your resume and start looking elsewhere. Everyone has a work environment where they will grow and thrive; doesn't sound like this is the right place for you and very stifling. Have you met with a staffing agency or tried looking online (, etc) for better opportunities?

...and I will add that no matter where you work there will be problems and politics. Take it from someone who has been in the workforce nearly 20 years with 6 different jobs since finishing school. It's how we deal with the crap and politics (along with the role leadership plays in setting the tone) that makes a difference. And, sometimes the best thing to do is walk away from it.
i have updated my resume on workopolis and monster. and i will start actively looking, but for some reason, my luck in job searchig isn't the greatest, even though i have very good background, and have shown great progression over the last 5 years, getting the initial call from an employer or agent always seems so difficult....i have had my resume looked at by others and all have had great feedback. so i'm just keeping my fingers crossed that something will come through...overall, the retail industry in canada is quite limited, i've worked for three of the largest retailers in canada, so i'm not sure what else is there...anyhow, tks for the enouragement, i really need to get out of the toxic sitatuion, it's really have a negative impact on my health
tks jayne...i serously hate everyone who works there, no one cares about what they do, and tries to unload everything onto my plate, they do their 8 hours, take lunches for as long as they like, and just go home.

That succinctly describes my old job. Handing in my resignation letter was the best feeling in the world!! Im SO glad that chapter of my life is done. I was there for almost five years, I shouldnt have stayed that long, ugggghhh. But its over, and now Ive got the job of my dreams.

All I can say is: Start looking.
In my twenties after I graduated from school I was selling for a manufacturer in the grocery retail sector. I loved it for 3 years but the last two were very disappointing. I never would have quit but a good friend of mine had switched jobs (sort of kind of) in her field. It was so fabulous for her and I was jealous. That was actually a good thing because it was the impetuous to make me more proactive in finding a new job. In those days you mailed out resumes so I did that for like 8 months, interviewed sporatically and after a year landed a wonderful sales job which BTW I'm still doing 21 years later.

Look for another job it will empower you; keep throwing your hook in the water and you will catch you big fish. Keep your eyes on the prize and don't give up. When you get rejected by a company there's always new hope with the next. I would pray over my resumes and get excited thinking my future employer maybe holding the actual resume I was mailing that day.

Blessings to you!!:heart:
Wow, I can't believe they're making you do their dirty work for them. Especially the person of lower rank at the job.

Yeah, get another job. I used to think all jobs were at some level, awful but now I realize that it is not true. The job I'm at now, the people are like family to me and I go there and laugh all day. I mean, work is still work and I still don't want to get up in the morning sometimes. But of course, if it's bad, I'd count every footstep before I'd have to enter the place. That was the scenario when I worked retail. I'm not saying the entire industry is awful, just from my experience it was.
Good luck in finding a new job. I hope you get out of there soon. That was the feeling I had at my last job. I stuck it out because I was pregnant and had a daughter to think about. But I had my prayers answered when I finally got laid off. I'm at a better place because I don't dread waking up the next day.
so i was talking to a couple people yesterday, and they told me yeah, they do it to all the newbies, you could even call it bullying...everyone knows about it, but who really cares as long as they somewhat do their job....this is so digusting. actually, my job has already affected my health in a bad way, i really hope that i can find something else too.