Women in Media


Feb 22, 2007
One of the magazines I pick up sometimes, More, just announced that they are doing their model search again - only women who are 40+ are eligible, and the top winners get modeling contracts with Wilhemina. I'm not in my 40s, but I still think this is very forward thinking these days, when the majority of models who grace the pages of most magazines are in their teens. What do you think? Do model searches like this, and other "real women" ad campaigns, such as Dove, make a difference in presenting realistic and healthy images of women in the media?
we had an interesting discussion about this very topic in my Race and Gender in Media class this morning (i'm a journalism major). Our prof showed us some of Dove's commercials and asked us if what they were doing was responsible.

my opinion is this: advertising is inherently manipulative; no matter what, they're trying to appeal to a portion of our psyche and convince us to buy their product. the argument against the traditional images of beauty in advertising is that it made products (beauty products in particular) aspirational and attempted to convince women that there was something intrinsically flawed with their own appearance that needed fixing. if you bought their product, you could fix your flaw. Dove's campaign is different (and i think a little patronizing to women) because it appeals to womens' desire to see images that reflect themselves, but Dove still wants the same reaction out of you - instead of saying 'here is what you could be, here is a product to fix your flaws' they're saying 'here is what you are, flaws and all, here is a product to fix your flaws.' i find it a tad condescending, honestly. instead of using someone flawless to sell the product, they show someone flawed, but the implication that we all have something about our physical being that needs to be 'fixed' is still there, and that's what women should find insulting.

the over-40 model search that you bring up is a little different because they're not selling beauty products, imo. i find that very admirable. they don't imply that the over-40 models need to be fixed, they're celebrating nontraditional images of beauty.
we had an interesting discussion about this very topic in my Race and Gender in Media class this morning (i'm a journalism major). Our prof showed us some of Dove's commercials and asked us if what they were doing was responsible.

my opinion is this: advertising is inherently manipulative; no matter what, they're trying to appeal to a portion of our psyche and convince us to buy their product. the argument against the traditional images of beauty in advertising is that it made products (beauty products in particular) aspirational and attempted to convince women that there was something intrinsically flawed with their own appearance that needed fixing. if you bought their product, you could fix your flaw. Dove's campaign is different (and i think a little patronizing to women) because it appeals to womens' desire to see images that reflect themselves, but Dove still wants the same reaction out of you - instead of saying 'here is what you could be, here is a product to fix your flaws' they're saying 'here is what you are, flaws and all, here is a product to fix your flaws.' i find it a tad condescending, honestly. instead of using someone flawless to sell the product, they show someone flawed, but the implication that we all have something about our physical being that needs to be 'fixed' is still there, and that's what women should find insulting.

the over-40 model search that you bring up is a little different because they're not selling beauty products, imo. i find that very admirable. they don't imply that the over-40 models need to be fixed, they're celebrating nontraditional images of beauty.

Are we taking the same class but on opposites sides of the world?! :P

Just recently was I talking about Social Responsibility in my Marketing class and at the same time, although a lot of women like the Dove Commercial, I also find it a bit condescending. I mean, why are these women the one's with flaws?

I think the magazine and the idea is fabulous. I enjoy seeing women in power. No matter any age. I honestly think that there are A LOT of women out there who age gracefully and look fantastic! Better than a lot 20-somethings too. I think it's just what we're not use to that is making us gasp for air. I mean, women over 40, 50, or 60 shouldn't surprise us if they're on the cover of a magazine. :smile:
Well, it helps. But I doubt the high standards for women in media are going to change anytime soon. I mean it's great that companies like Dove and Addition-Elle present less than society deemed 'perfect' feminine body shapes. But I doubt that enough companies are going to follow suit. Dove and a rare few others are using this alternative approach just to stand out. So it's really just another marketing ploy designed to appease those who disapprove of the media's treatment of women. The general public (men and women) are continuously conditioned to favour perfection. Reality isn't aesthetically appealing, thus media has the opportunity to capitalize on this and sell/feed us what we want to see.
I do agree with most everything said here. I was a national marketing director for years and selling the product is everything. it is the bottom line. don't ever think any of these corporations really care about the human condition be it man or woman. but at the very least, young girls who do see these ads hopefully will avoid the whole self loathing path most of us took without benefit of these ads. whether intentional or not on the manufacturers part, they are a good tool for any woman to use when talking to young women about self worth.