Hermès "Wildlife" Sightings

Please note:

Wildlife Sightings, mean OUT in the wild' means and NOT in Hermes zoos stores where rare species are so easily found.

Please report images that are just pics of others' bags in H store (as well as for any other posts breaking tPFrules).

If you happen to take a pic of children and can't crop, please make sure you at least blur/obscure the child.

Evie in Gold at Vineyard Vines. Also spotted, but didn’t get photos of, another Evie in the same size in Etoupe, GP 36 in Bleu Electrique, and a B25 in what looked like Rose Confetti or 5P (very Pepto in color), plus at least one pair of Orans and a pair of Izmir. I never see this much H locally!

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Love this! Every so often, I just love seeing someone with a work horse evie. I love a beat up H bag on occasion, which is weird as I like to keep things in good condition.