My Experience w/ NANA Plastic Surgery (under-eye fat repositioning + thread lift)

Price + Consultation
Under-eye fat repositioning - 650,000KRW
thread lift - 616,000KRW (8 threads)
Anesthesia - 110,000KRW (comped/included with both thread lift + undereye surgery)
Total: 1,266,000KRW
~VAT included in all prices~
wow very cheap price!!
Hi @retrothicc ! Thanks so much for your detailed experience. I have some interest in a thread lift so I was wondering how long your recovery was and how long it took for the swelling to go down before you saw final results?
This will serve as my 1.5 year post-op update for the thread lift.

Tldr; I really don’t think it was worth it. There are several reasons for this, but the biggest one is pain. I was in pain for at least 6 months post op. Just like sporadically, shooting nerve damage pain. The second reason has to do with my recent research, which indicates that threads don’t dissolve as easily or as quickly as we though (shocker! Lol. plastic surgeons pulled the same deal with filler).

Furthermore, when/if you go in for a full facelift at a more advanced age, it messes with the plastic surgeon’s ability to pull back your skin. There’s a potential that your surgeon will look under the hood and find threads still there. Dissolving the threads is possible with deep-tissue, heated treatments like radio frequency skin tightening (ultherapy), but that can be as costly as the thread lift itself.

Finally, for me, the results were way too subtle for the world of pain I endured. And by the time the pain and swelling subsided, I only got a few months of true tightness out of it. At first, I thought my face was much slimmer due to my thread lift. But then I realized that I actually started testosterone around the same time that I got my thread lift (ftm). My entire facial structure changed and I lost a ton of baby fat in my face. For a time it looked smooth, but now I can tell that the threads are wearing off because I have deeper folds on my face (which used to be filled by fat, until testosterone took it away).

my personal takeaway: Tightening skin is not a one-and-done thing, and that’s what I’ve learned from this process. I had a few people advise me not to do a thread lift and to do ultherapy (radio frequency skin tightening) instead, citing pain, price, and temporary effects.

At the time, i said that my skin wasn’t really saggy (I was 23yo), I just wanted my features lifted - for this reason, I really didn’t think “skin tightening” was for me. This could still be a consideration for most young people who wager thread lift against mini facelift or full facelift (side note: please don’t get a full facelift before the age of 45, because the procedure needs to be repeated every 10 years and if you start too early, there won’t be enough tissue to keep pulling up).

But for me, my threadlift, even at the promotional price of about 1k for 8 threads, was absolutely not worth it. I do this my skin concerns are different from most people my age, because testosterone has changed everything so significantly and left me with a tiny bit of extra skin. But regardless, I would think of thread lifts as a half-measure to see if you like the results. If you do, literally just go and get a mini facelift or a targeted procedure for the area that you think is sagging (eg. temporal lift). Threads are 1/3 the price of permanent procedures in Korea, so it’s not worth it to upkeep. results barely lasted a year for me.
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Sorry I don't think I have the functionality to dm you.
I got a quote from NANA and some prices were quite high. So I also asked them if they would match quotes from another clinic I got and they said no. Should I do the procedures in multiple clinics?
Nana’s prices have been kind of ridiculous for certain procedures lately lol. They quoted me even higher than Hyundai for a procedure the other day.

I did not use a tourist agency btw.

Covid restrictions are over to South Korea is being slammed with plastic surgery tourists, which probably why they didn’t offer to price match. Can I asked what procedures you were quoted on? They do have rolling promotions, like right now they have a promo for a first-time rhino going, and I’m waiting for them to have a promo on eyes! If you think the price is high, wait until it goes down. Don’t let them make you feel like you have to hurry
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Nana quoted me 1.2 for fat repositioning and 1 mill for full fat graft plus 110,000 anesthesia. All with Dr Kwon Hyo Jeong. Same doctor, maybe? She seemed nice enough and the consultant, Angela, was really pleasant, but it was a no when they couldn't show me results pics for my procedures and Dr Kwon wasn't listed as a surgeon on their website.
Nana quoted me 1.2 for fat repositioning and 1 mill for full fat graft plus 110,000 anesthesia. All with Dr Kwon Hyo Jeong. Same doctor, maybe? She seemed nice enough and the consultant, Angela, was really pleasant, but it was a no when they couldn't show me results pics for my procedures and Dr Kwon wasn't listed as a surgeon on their website.
That's so shady!