Show us your holiday/seasonal theme Coach bags!

Lake Effect

Feb 25, 2017
So many of us post our theme bags in other threads, but why don't we also have a single thread we can just roll out as the seasons change? A handbag is very practical, but so many of us enjoy our collections, as well as the process of hunting them down and even refurbishing. We can start the ball rolling with red, white and blue for the US holiday, the 4th of July. As time passes, let's be inclusive so as the season, day, celebration, holiday, etc. as it rolls around, and show what Coach bag or bags you are inspired to pull out! I will be back later with a red, white and blue theme picture. Let's have fun!
P.S. I am already excited that we can use this to roll out a Pumpkin Spice Festival in the fall :smile:
The sun is a little lower in the sky, the leaves are falling, I smell pumpkin spice coffee, Halloween is around the corner and the Harvest Moon is next week . . . how about a Fall Festival of your favorite rust, suede and neutral bags!!! Sp@@ky eyes and all takers welcome ! Join me or this will risk becoming a showcase of just my bags!
The seasonal Saturday farm market in the next town over ends today ...
My 'lil pumpkin here ...
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