What Handbag/Purse Are You Carrying Today?!

So nice!!!:love::love::love: Have you tried using the front pocket? It seems like it would be very useful!
Thanks SSSSSSM :smile:. I am real glad I decided on this bag (thanks to good advice received :smile:). I haven‘t really used the front pocket yet except to quickly put away a loyalty stamp card after using it. I was thinking of putting a couple pandemic supplies there (maybe a small pack of wipes, a pair of latex gloves or an extra mask, etc).
Beautiful pic! :loveeyes: Beautiful bag! :loveeyes: Love your staging! :loveeyes:
So cute!!!:loveeyes:
What a fantastic Fall photo :smile:. Your bag is really pretty — I love that kind of messenger/school-bag style. Also, may I ask what kind of fruits are those? Cranberries?
The color perfectly matches the plums/cherries!

thanks, all! I believe they are crab apples, which are out where I live. This tree just happened to produce some really nice ones and I couldn’t resist the photo op.

@Iamminda I’m a big fan of old school satchels as well.