pumpkin for cats?


Jan 16, 2006
My Jackie has coughed a couple of times (loudly) like he has a hairball. My past kitties loved laxatone but he won't take it. I read somewhere that canned pumpkin might help. But it seems it's mostly used as a laxative for cats. Has anyone used it for hairballs? do most cats like the taste?
Both my cats hated pumpkin. I mean, one actually hissed at it. I’ve put a little olive oil on my finger and they lick it off for hair balls. Sometimes a little in their food. It seems to work the best of everything I’ve tried.
Both my cats hated pumpkin. I mean, one actually hissed at it. I’ve put a little olive oil on my finger and they lick it off for hair balls. Sometimes a little in their food. It seems to work the best of everything I’ve tried.
I'll try putting a little olive oil in his food. He loves to eat but he's still a bit skittish and won't take food directly off my hand. That may be part of the problem with the laxatone.

that's funny they hissed at the pumpkin :smile:
Mine was the same. Five years in he is much better. The things we do for them!
tried the olive oil on his dry food this morning. he didn't much care for it but ate some. maybe I used too much - a tablespoon. also might work better on canned food?

yes, this one is a character. IDK if you saw my posts about adopting two cats but these two were shy - him more than her. he's making great progress but still skittish. I tried to pick him up last night and he stiffened like I was trying to abduct him - maybe partly because I did abduct him a week ago to take him to the vet. A little while later he jumped up on my lap and laid on the sofa with me for hours.
That’s a lot of olive oil! I’d do a much smaller amount.

its amazing that he will jump in your lap. Mine will let me pick him up but hell to the no on the lap cuddles. And I now have an vet that does home visits because he bashes his face against the crate and hyperventilates in the car. Sigh. My old cat would sit shotgun.

I’m glad he is making progress!
That’s a lot of olive oil! I’d do a much smaller amount.

its amazing that he will jump in your lap. Mine will let me pick him up but hell to the no on the lap cuddles. And I now have an vet that does home visits because he bashes his face against the crate and hyperventilates in the car. Sigh. My old cat would sit shotgun.

I’m glad he is making progress!
I got canned pumpkin. He wasn't very interested but didn't hiss :smile:
Eventually he at some of it.
Tonight I'll try mixing some with canned food.
The other night I put flax seed (another source of fiber which to me would be similar to metamusil which is one of the things recommended for cats) into his canned food. No problem with that; he scarfed it right down.

Glad I'm not alone with the vet thing. What an ordeal. I can imagine what you must have to pay for a vet to come to the house. And then you have to catch the cat.

Yes, mine is a lover on the sofa at night. But don't try to pick him up. They're funny.
so he likes the pumpkin mixed in his food....still has some hacking once in a while though.....last time he did that I got close to him and he checked out the laxatone but still wouldn't take it......since he likes the pumpkin, I suppose I'll keep giving to him for now
My cats are 16 years and I use pumpkin, pre and probiotics and mix it in with wet food and they lap it up.
I've been giving jack a heaping tsp of pumpkin in his food daily. He has had nary a hairball since january. the first cans of pumpkin I bought were 100 percent pumpkin. I just realized the newer cans have carrageenan. guess I should look for more of the all pumpkin stuff. WM online is out of it. what? are people making pumpkin pies during the pandemic?
anyone have an opinion on this thickening ingredient?