What LV are you stalking today? US/CA

Please post Louis Vuitton items you’re stalking and any hard to find items that pop up online,
*please indicate if you're seeking the item or if you've seen it available!*

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[email protected]

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Please save commentary and pics of the items you receive in another thread!

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when is the best time to refresh and check for MONO PA? i've been checking for a week now and I keep missing it!!
Someone pointed out that 7pm USA/Eastern time bags seem to pop in. I cannot take credit for that. But last night I checked at 7:20pm and was able to snag a bag i was stalking. It has shipped today. I’m very excited.
been stalking the favorite pm in mono on the US site for a few months now... please let me know if anything comes up for y'all or the time of day it has in the past!!
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I want a second pochette so badly!! Sooo tempted to get the DA...but I'll probably end up returning it again...(and don't think they'll be revamping canvas PA's--they'll probably fuse with leather and/or clash them with unmatched colors) ugh what was the point of discontinuing the DE and leaving the other two?!?!?!! Grr stupid corporate