Clock Spider Dangerous [PIC]


Aug 24, 2006
Clock Spider Dangerous [PIC] :wtf:

Long ago (in Internet years), someone came home to see four giant spider legs hanging out from the clock on their wall. Naturally, most people would monkey scream, and bounce into the safety of the night like a baby deer. This brave soul, however, grabbed a camera, removed the clock from the wall, and photographed the horror found beneath. Although the Huntsman spider isn't poisonous, we're fairly certain nobody could get so close to a vicious beast without losing at least a limb or two as a tasty spider snack....
I made my husband click the link first to see if I could "handle" it. I am scared TO DEATH of spiders! If I EVER saw anything like that in my house, I would keel right over and die.

My ex-best-friend bought a long vacant house on 2 acres years ago. The house and property were INFESTED with spiders. They were everywhere. In her bed, tub, sinks, all over the floors. Every shape and size. I WOULD HAVE DIEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDD!!!! She wanted to move IMMEDIATELY. Her husband refused.
I am so NOT clicking on the pic. I've got a spider on my dining room ceiling with an egg-sac, I just sprayed it and all the baby spiders ran out. Yag.