Alright, Coach pro's, I need some help...

Jan 20, 2007
The only bag on my must-have, can't-afford, but will sell a kidney for (I swear) is the COACH LEGACY SIGNATURE SATCHEL with the white leather trim. There are the one's with black and gold trim online now, but I cannot find the white one.

I know that some things have gone to the outlet's and I am wondering if y'all have seen this bag out there.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


that's a gorgeous bag and great color. i love the white and khaki signature together. i haven't seen that anywhere. plus the outlets, at least in my personal experience, almost never get signature stuff in, only the leather stuff...i guess the signature sells quicklier than the leather.

good luck!
Went to outlet signature Legacy in ANY color combo! I think an SA posted that the Legacy sig stuff doesn't make it to the outlets very often, if at all! I had to turn to ebay to get my khaki/ebony combo shoulder bag.
Good luck to you!