Jessica Alba

I understand that she might not feel real connected to her latino roots but I think that by saying all that in that article, she sounds embarrased of her heritage.

I don't understand what all the hype about her is. I thinks she is cute, but I don't think she is as gorgeous like you would think by the way people talk about her.
I going to go against the majority of postings thus far......Honestly, I don't think there's anything wrong or awful with her statement. It's her personal conviction and experiences and she shouldn't be judged. We are all different. It's her issue. She's an American. It's great that many hold on to their "roots" but if one chooses not to, then so be it. Live your life and let them live theirs how they see fit. Many times the very people who scream that we must all be tolerant and accepting of others contradict themselves with their own intolerance, opinions and judments. I am guilty of this myself. I'm not a fan of hers but I applaud her sincerity in not playing the pc game and milking her "latino" connection just because it seem to be popular now.
I dunno. Just my opinion.

What about this statement? "Mexicans just spread all their seeds. And the women just pop them out." Do you not think it is a derogatory generalization?

It sounds like she herself is ashamed. Lame.
Uhm. Sure. It's one thing to not be "connected" to your roots but to disconnect it completely is making her seems like she's the one who's not accepting her race.

I am half Chinese and Half Malaysian/Thai. I am darker than a lot of Chinese and I have full lips and huge eyes - very unstereotypical. However, Although I don't speak Chinese or Malaysian I still acknowledge that I am who I am. I'm not just Canadian. I'm not ashamed.

Same here. I am Filipino, but I don't speak Tagalog and I was born and raised in the U.S. Sometimes I feel like I'm ostracized from other Filipinos and Asians because I don't particularly care to learn about the Filipino culture or language, but to be quite honest, I don't think I'd get any personal fulfillment from doing so. However, I'm not going to live my life trying to deny my race or my ethnic background because that's really stupid.

I never liked Jessica Alba, anyway...
What about this statement? "Mexicans just spread all their seeds. And the women just pop them out." Do you not think it is a derogatory generalization?

It sounds like she herself is ashamed. Lame.
Maybe it is and maybe she is ashamed:yes:
Why do people get so angered and passionate about someone else's issue or prejudice? It's her problem not ours. If she's a derogatory lamo, let her be and be happy that you are not and that you have one up on her.
And if she is a lamo, who is ashamed of her race, why do people get all rild up about it?
Seems kinda silly. Maybe because she is famous, thin and beautiful and has money? I still think she's a twit.
But I'm not gonna personally get "offended" by some little twit's identiy issue. Just MHO.:wlae:
I was raised in a primarly "white" society almost late 30ish years ago and my grandparents were ashamed that I was of mixed race (Vietnamese French) and made it clear that I was not to celebrate my ethnicity. I can understand where she is coming from. Nowdays it okay to celebrate your ethnicity provide you live in the city or suburbs but there are many people who are still prejudice againist different socities. I agree that Mexican people right now are getting the brunt of prejudice because of the influx of migrants. I think a lot of Mexicans have many children because of their Catholic beliefs. I don't think it right for her to say such a negitive remark about her partial race. I think she should be proud of all her heritage.
I think its fine if she doesnt associate herself with being mexican and cant relate, but a simple statement about that would have done. The way she went on and on about it makes it seem she has some serious issues about it. I think its good to be honest when u r in the public eye, but u also have to take into account that what u say may really offend a lot of people.
Wow, that is really sounds like her whole family is embarrassed of who they are. They should be proud-why try to erase your roots? I'm half Italian, and the other half is German, Irish, Welsh, Dutch, Polish....and I'm VERY proud of who I am and my family.
She must have an aggressive publicist and people behind her.
There pumping her up on every media outlet out there how she's the best thing since sliced bread.

I like her, think she's quite talented, but doesn't match all the hype her people are doing.

ITA :yes:. Last month I was traveling and she was not only on the cover of at least 3 different magazines, but she was even on the cover of the inflight magazine!!
I going to go against the majority of postings thus far......Honestly, I don't think there's anything wrong or awful with her statement. It's her personal conviction and experiences and she shouldn't be judged. We are all different. It's her issue. She's an American. It's great that many hold on to their "roots" but if one chooses not to, then so be it. Live your life and let them live theirs how they see fit. Many times the very people who scream that we must all be tolerant and accepting of others contradict themselves with their own intolerance, opinions and judments. I am guilty of this myself. I'm not a fan of hers but I applaud her sincerity in not playing the pc game and milking her "latino" connection just because it seem to be popular now.
I dunno. Just my opinion.

well said! :tup:
Maybe it is and maybe she is ashamed:yes:
Why do people get so angered and passionate about someone else's issue or prejudice? It's her problem not ours. If she's a derogatory lamo, let her be and be happy that you are not and that you have one up on her.
And if she is a lamo, who is ashamed of her race, why do people get all rild up about it?
Seems kinda silly. Maybe because she is famous, thin and beautiful and has money? I still think she's a twit.
But I'm not gonna personally get "offended" by some little twit's identiy issue. Just MHO.:wlae:

She is passing judgement on Mexicans, and I am passing judgement on her for it. I'm not necessarily offended, I just have an opinion on this as on all things we talk about in this forum, and my opinion is that she is an ignorant little beotch. I don't think we are disagreeing on anything, are we? lol
He made a choice not to speak Spanish in the house. He didn't want his kids to be different."
that's stupid! I'm 100% Nicaraguan, I only speak Spanish to my daughter at home (whether she likes it or not) I want her to speak 2 languages or more than 2 if possible! When she ask why we call ourselves Nicaraguan and not americans I go: Because we are Nicaraguans dear! you were born here in this great country but your roots are Nicaraguan. Period!
I just have a comment. There will always be stereotypes. Everyone has become so PC it's getting a bit out of hand. Now a person can't talk about themselves without everyone getting mad about it? Seriously back in the 70s, things were said on television that are considered very racist today. If you watch old episodes of "All in the Family" with Archie Bunker, you will know what I am talking about. Now people are getting fired for things they say. I just think everyone needs to chill. One day the whole world is going to be a nice cappucino latte color. Nobody is pure white, black, hispanic, indian, etc etc anymore. I bet Al Sharpon boycotts Jessica's new movie because of these statements. Ridiculous in my opinion.