Do I need a nose job for my deviated septum nose?


Mar 31, 2013
Hey guys I have a deviated septum nose that bends slightly to the left I'm quite embarrassed by this but do I need a nose job (septoplasty I think it's called?) or do you think it's best to leave it the way it is as things can go wrong etc..let me no some tips and suggestions please? Thanks xx
miss thang leave it the way it is. It looks like a lovely nose to me. Slight imperfections are always natural. Even nose jobs tend to produce slight imperfections too. I think its about looking naturally imperfect, beautifully imperfect :smile:. Your issue is so minor you don't want to risk a surgery fixing something which doesn't need to be fixed. Plus lots of people, myself included have a deviated septum. When the aesthetic imperfection is so minor, you shouldn't touch it UNLESS you are experiencing breathing difficulties.
I think you look beautiful! If you have a deviated septum & need it fixed to feel comfortable, then go for it, but there is no guarantee it will be perfectly straight. Also be sure to use a really good surgeon if you do! But again, you look great, I don't see a crooked nose.
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Hey guys I have a deviated septum nose that bends slightly to the left I'm quite embarrassed by this but do I need a nose job (septoplasty I think it's called?) or do you think it's best to leave it the way it is as things can go wrong etc..let me no some tips and suggestions please? Thanks xx
You're so pretty. Macprincessx

Are you having trouble breathing? Most people don't see it.

Here's the thing--I had my septum used for rhinoplasty and apart from the rhinoplasty being awful, for a month after having my septum shifted, I thought I was going to die.

If you are breathing well--e.g., your nostrils collapse when you inhale and you can get a good breath--I would not touch that beautiful nose.

If you do please go to a well-reviewed ENT/surgeon just for a consult to look in your nose,feel all around (including the bridge--I have valve collapse, I wish my last surgeon had for me), ask about nasal drip, if you breath well while sleeping, make him feel the bones, and make him watch you breath. Do a lot of research on what patients have to go through and what can go wrong first.

ETA: Please, PLEASE look at all reviews--including negative ones--before you go into surgery when you do consults.

I would research first, go to consults with your issues on a pad, write down surgeon answers, and then get a good look at the techniques/grafts they suggest using. If you are a primary patient, you have a BARELY-deviated nose. Ask the surgeon to straighten you nose along your septal midline, but make him watch you breath first so he doesn't go too far.

(Seriously--I had a straight septum, a butcher surgeon messed me up.) Please check if you have a deviated septum or deviated nose.

I say this....if I had a face and nose like yours, I would not let a surgeon touch me. You are beautiful and it isn't worth what can go wrong.
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