The super cool MOTO LEATHER JACKET club!

Perfect Susan, I LOVE this colour on you. Great choice.

Here's a quick mod shot before we headed out to all you can eat sushi :cool: I am glad I went with the 40 in this one-a little more space for layering (thinner and a little softer than my Tempete too)

Wow I look tired here-shows what kind of a month/year I have been having! Eek!

I need some advice on the two-tone from the French seller...

I bought and paid for it on Jan 20. Handling time was 5 business days.
It was marked shipped on Jan 31.
Estimated delivery window ended on Feb 4.
I sent the seller another message on Feb 5 asking for a tracking number, no response.
It is now Feb 12.

Question for those with experience in getting items shipped from Europe/France... has enough time passed now to file a "Did not receive" complaint with eBay? Should I give it a few more days? This Thursday will be two full weeks since it was marked shipped. I was trying to hold out until then, but that was a lot of money and I am getting really frustrated waiting with no response from the seller.

Any advice would be appreciated.

I think you should file a claim. Without tracking, you cannot know if it shipped, held up in customs etc. For all you know they went on a shopping spree with yiur money. If is has shipped and arrives after opening a claim then just close it. Simple. Don't be too polite, they need to communicate. That's whay we have spoken language.
Lisa: happy birthday to you and your sister. You both look fabulous in your motos. Her fur coat is lovely also.

Susan: Congrats on the new moto, it looks perfect on you and goes well with your coloring.
Is your husband an artist (killer complimentary colors comment)? My husband is a pianist and I sure got an earful about The latest Alicia Keys song. Her went ballistic about how a 5 year old could write that song and that a muscian of her calibur should be ashamed of putting such garbage out for her fans. I like the song actually. I guess another view.
I was going to ask how you'd describe the color, bevause on mine it's looks like a green color with grey undertones
This is a gorgeous color. A grey with a hint of green?
On my screen it's a grey with a very slight hint of green. Definitely more grey than green.

I need some advice on the two-tone from the French seller...

I bought and paid for it on Jan 20. Handling time was 5 business days.
It was marked shipped on Jan 31.
Estimated delivery window ended on Feb 4.
I sent the seller another message on Feb 5 asking for a tracking number, no response.
It is now Feb 12.

Question for those with experience in getting items shipped from Europe/France... has enough time passed now to file a "Did not receive" complaint with eBay? Should I give it a few more days? This Thursday will be two full weeks since it was marked shipped. I was trying to hold out until then, but that was a lot of money and I am getting really frustrated waiting with no response from the seller.

Any advice would be appreciated.
My two cents is also to file a dispute with PayPal. It forces the seller to prove something/anything and forces a line of communication. I don't love doing it, but sometimes it's the only way to get an answer out of them if they're not being responsive. Good luck, keep us posted x

Me and sis (wearing my 2011 black/black under her fur jacket cos she was cold) I noticed it squeaking during the film :smile:
You girls look absolutely fab and happyhappybirthday to the two of you!! Good on your partner for being such a prince to both of you :smile: x

Guess what's here!!! :yahoo:
GREAT colour on you. And, no, you don't look anything but awesome! I hope your month gets better, though ...sidenote, where's that shirt from?

Well, I'm thinking about it. ;) I love that I can fit into kids stuff too LOL! They are much cheaper! Have to find a way to stop them riding up my butt though... Maybe will get the elastic changed to looser ones when I get back to my Singapore seamstress.
MUCH cheaper. If I can squish my foot into the largest kids size in shoes, I'll do it. Saves on the tax (in Toronto) AND is a quarter of the price!! I've managed to get into some brands' XLs lol

Pink tutu today!
Your outfit dares me to wear longer layers under my moto :smile: cute!
JDN: so I didn't get in touch with a cobbler yet but I did talk to my dad about it. He owns a lot of leather shoes (your typical "business man" hehe) so I figure he knows a bit about them. He took a look at the cloth I was using to clean my Eternitys and said it looks like mostly dirt. He says there shouldn't be much dye--if anything it may be a protective coating on top that we're removing (which is causing the dull effect we're seeing). He says to try a restorative product that would give it a "shine" again. I'm going to do some research and see what kinds of products people may be using on their boots...
and...ta daaa! here is my size 40 blazer from winter 2010 that my DH baught me a few weeks ago. It was on sale in the one shop here in Zurich that sells bal pret a porter. check out how long the arms are. It is a really beautifully made jacket and quite thick. the wool is almost a felt. It has had more wears than my moto actually because it is warmer and we have been under snow here for weeks.
(my next moto will be a 40) it really does fit me better through the body.


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I got the gray ones...was initially thinking about black or red with the gold studs, but the silver really caught my eye....I may have to get a black one eventually tho...
I love the grey ones. I think they are a lot more versatile with the moto jackets.
Hi everyone who is curious about safari,
Here is a pretty accurate representaion of the color. I have some mod shots that I'm trying to resize and it's not working so more hopefully coming soon.
cheers, wantone
The color is lovely and the leather looks great!
Wow, iron mans!!! Impressive, kudos to your mom :smile:

Beautiful neutral colour, I bet it goes with lots of outfits

Baerlie: glad your husband likes your 2 tone quilted :smile:

I found out today that my work colleague (who has moved departments and is now sitting by me and has horses so we are very like minded) has a step daughter who works in (drum roll)............. Harrods ! I am now her new best friend ;)

Off out to pictures in a bit with my partner and sister to watch Les Miserables (better late than never), we turned 45 today so am treating her to wear one of my motos :smile: will post a pic later :smile:
Happy Belated Birthday Lisa.
Me and sis (wearing my 2011 black/black under her fur jacket cos she was cold) I noticed it squeaking during the film :smile:

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You both look fabulous. I am glad that you had a nice day.
Lisa:I send you and your sister a lot of birthday greetings, i am happy to hear that you both have such a wonderful time.You two sisters are looking hot!!!

SusanLee:You look beautiful, the ardoise color goes such as well with your hair color.This jacket is made for you!!!

KindaCompulsive:Like Drati says, you should contact the seller again and tell him, if you did not get the tracking details for the jacket you will open a dispute via PayPal.I knew the seller understands english very wll, so there is no problem of communication!!!After you bought yours i contacted the seller for smaller sizes, first "no answer".So i wrote again and then i get an answer, but i am happy that i get my two tone jacket from an other lady.This one makes too much problems and it is terrible if you did not have any communication ...
Here's a quick mod shot before we headed out to all you can eat sushi :cool: I am glad I went with the 40 in this one-a little more space for layering (thinner and a little softer than my Tempete too)

Wow I look tired here-shows what kind of a month/year I have been having! Eek!

wow, this looks amazing with your red hair! so flattering!
Guess what's here!!! :yahoo:

It is gorgeous Susan, congrats!
Here's a quick mod shot before we headed out to all you can eat sushi :cool: I am glad I went with the 40 in this one-a little more space for layering (thinner and a little softer than my Tempete too)

Wow I look tired here-shows what kind of a month/year I have been having! Eek!


Actually you look great! I love color on you and the fit looks perfect to me.
MUCH cheaper. If I can squish my foot into the largest kids size in shoes, I'll do it. Saves on the tax (in Toronto) AND is a quarter of the price!! I've managed to get into some brands' XLs lol

Your outfit dares me to wear longer layers under my moto :smile: cute!

Try the longer layers and show us! :biggrin:

I wish kid shoes looked a little more adult... because I can wear them!
You look adorable.
Thank u ladies, We had a lovely evening, my partner is a wonderful man - he took us both out for food, then the pics (more food) and he'd got us cards not just off him but off my son (who has been away); he can be very thoughtful. Since my sis split up with her long time partner she has near enough been living with us (and her big Akita) and he spoils her rotten too, never leaves her out of anything. We are very, very close - yesterday she posted on facebook "Happy Birthday to my womb mate" twin humour ;) it definitely makes birthdays more fun when you share it with your twin :smile: :smile: I love her very much

Another moto day today ....... But which one to wear :smile:
You have a great guy. I love reading things like this.