Ok, ladies, wanta reveal?????

That fob looks great on her, especially with the inside lining peeking out. Not knowing your style, only time will tell if you'll always love her. I think she's very pretty.
Ok! I know she has been revealed before on here but she's mine now! Although I LOVE her (every time I saw her in the store I wanted her but just finally got her!!) I'm just not sure if I will continue to love her :thinking: I'm normally a preppy neutral kinda gal, so my hubby isn't convinced. Although he told me if I really loved her to get her :smile: so I did! What do you think? I also got the bright fob too. It helps blend it with my fushia soft wallet :smile: do y'all think it works together? Will I always love her??? TIA LADIES!:biggrin: (sorry the pic isn't great. I can't get her to stand lol)
Very nice and Happy Valentine's to You! Just looked at this same one at Macy's today...held off as I really "need" black. This is actually pretty neutral too!
So nice! Congrats.

The metallic can add a little bling to lots of preppy, neutral outfits. You might be surprised! Maybe take a picture of yourself wearing her outside with a typical outfit, then take a look at it. That way you can see for yourself if this fits your style or not.

Good luck deciding!