I'm An Auntie!!


easily amused
Mar 11, 2006
those of you who've been paying attention to my ticker for the last six months have probably deduced that i'm a teensy bit excited about my nephew....well.....

:yahoo: nathan is here!! :yahoo:

so much pain and so much joy in just a few weeks....i feel like i've gone the whole gamut of human emotion a hundred times over. i'm glad the joy part is here for now. my sister is a rockstar.

okay. end of announcement and off to the hospital!! carry on.... :smile:

he is absolutely amazing....of course i'm a little biased. i'll post pictures in a few days after everyone's had a chance to see him. (can't have the internet meet him before some of his grandparents :smile:) he is beautiful though. well as beautiful as a newborn baby can be....again, i'm a little biased. :smile:
he is absolutely amazing....of course i'm a little biased. i'll post pictures in a few days after everyone's had a chance to see him. (can't have the internet meet him before some of his grandparents :smile:) he is beautiful though. well as beautiful as a newborn baby can be....again, i'm a little biased. :smile:

Absolutely :smile: I of course meant that if it was alright with your family, too. Was he a big baby or a small baby?