Yay, small new item!


Jan 2, 2007
Yay, I was finally able to go back to Hermes today! :biggrin:

I was able to see my precious Bolide, which looks ever MORE beautiful sitting in the window display, and I also got to try on a HAC (pretty sure that's what it was!) in a similar shade of pink (I'm guessing Fuschia). I really liked how it looked, but the handles are just too small to go on my wrist; it would have to be a in-my-hand bag only. And I met a lovely female SA who is also on tPF, who is super sweet!! Everyone in that store is just as nice as can be! ^_^ Oh also have officially decided to purchase some Rose Ikebana soon!

Anyhoo, here's a pic of the new Twilly, on top of my new skirt I grabbed at Anthro before I went, which I think looks kinda cute together :biggrin: Didn't take a pic of the notebook insert that I bought for my Globetrotter, but it's just a plain paper insert, heh, no biggie!

And so the journey towards my Bolide continues! :love:


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hey neeya, glad you had a great visit to H :smile: did your bolide go up in price too much? i love your twilly, i got one of my friends the light blue version of it! :smile:

I didn't check since it was in the window, but a very reliable source told me that it went up around $300, give or take $50, so I'm not too too worried! It will probably be September/October, rather than August when I get it now due to the price change, but that's not bad! As long as I get it, lol!
Yay, I was finally able to go back to Hermes today!

Anyhoo, here's a pic of the new Twilly, on top of my new skirt I grabbed at Anthro before I went, which I think looks kinda cute together :biggrin: Didn't take a pic of the notebook insert that I bought for my Globetrotter, but it's just a plain paper insert, heh, no biggie!

And so the journey towards my Bolide continues!

That is so pretty! They didn't have that pink when I went in earlier today. I bought a baby blue one with little purple balloons. Very sweet. It's so nice to have a little colour. :smile: Enjoy your purchases, no matter how big or small!
Oh, the twilly coordinates so well with your skirt! Perfect!! Glad you had fun!! I wanted to drive back down to Charlotte today myself but had to go to a funeral ... I can't wait to go back!!!