13 Scariest Movies of all time!

7 - High Tension (French film with a great twist...suspenseful as hell!)
6 - The Ring (It was the first movie, in a long time, that had me scared. Very well thought out.)
5 - Poltergeist (This was another "I can't sleep" movie, but not as bad cause I saw it when I was older. Still, scary for the fact that it's more plausible than other horror movies)
4 - Psycho (Even though I've seen it tons of times, the suspense always gets me)
3 - Salem's Lot (Saw this when I was young too. The older brother floating outside the window and the little boy vampire freaked me the eff out!)
2 - The Shining (no so much scary, but hauntingly creepy)
1 - The Exorcist (Original) couldn't sleep for weeks cause of that movie!

I'll think of more later...

^^OOOHH...yes! This scared the beejesus out of me! Great movie and very scary book as well.

I also thought Alien was horrifying. Saw that at the theatre when it came out and couldn't sleep w/out the light on for awhile...:shocked:
Yay. I'm so happy I found this thread. I just watched Paranormal Activity last night and wanted to find suggestions for scary movies. I think i tend to find slasher / monster films less scary.

The Exorcist
The Sentinel
The Changeling - people I know used to have nightmares about this one
Let the Right One In
The Mist

and of course when you're too scared for these you could watch Shaun of the Dead ;)

Loved Shaun!! The Exorcist was extremely disturbing but the book was even worse...

I would like to rent "Let the Right One In" but I don't know if I can take it!:P
OMG horror is without a doubt my favorite genre! Here is my list:

13. The Ring
12. Halloween (the original)
11. It
10. 1408
9. Pet Sematary
8. House of 1000 Corpses
7. Psycho
6. Final Destination (the original)
5. The Exorcist
4. Poltergeist
3. Saw
2. The Shining
1. Candyman

i LOVE rob zombie's horror movies! house of 1000 corpses freaked me out - loved it! the devil's rejects was pretty gory, not quite as scary. and his halloween movies were great too. LOVE him!
I'm a huge fan of horror movies, so naturally I love this thread :P

Here's my list:

1. The hills have eyes (the remake) I love everything about this movie: the story, the actors, the location.

2. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the remake)

3. Wrong Turn

4. The Descent

5. The Ring

6. The Ring II

7. [REC]

8. The Grudge

9. Frontiers

10. The Exorcist (the original)

I also really liked Piranha 3D and 1408. Oh and Albino Farm is good as well if you're into backwood horror movies.
I'm a huge fan of horror movies, so naturally I love this thread :P

Here's my list:

1. The hills have eyes (the remake) I love everything about this movie: the story, the actors, the location.

2. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the remake)

3. Wrong Turn

4. The Descent

5. The Ring

6. The Ring II

7. [REC]

8. The Grudge

9. Frontiers

10. The Exorcist (the original)

I also really liked Piranha 3D and 1408. Oh and Albino Farm is good as well if you're into backwood horror movies.

Tammin Sursok who played Colleen on Y&R plays in this.
1. The original Exorcist
2. The Ring
3. Eye II (just one part really creeped me out)
4. The Blair Witch
5. The Changling (not the Angelina Jolie movie!)
6. Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (old, old made for TV movie). Scarred me as a kid.
7. Paranormal Activity
8. Rosemary's Baby
9. High Tension
10. Original Amityville Horror
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I won't list many because I was more scared by the Twilight Zone on television than any movies.

Scariest movies for me were Psycho and The Body Snatchers (original version).
I could make a list of horror movies that I love, but sadly I don't think I can find 13 movies that I can truly consider scary... I'm almost completely hardened by all those years of watching them non stop hehe. But for Halloween's sake, I'll list the two movies that scared me recently:

- The Fourth Kind. I know it's not real footage, but it adds some great atmosphere.
- Not so recently, The Exorcism of Emily Rose. That scene where the bedsheet is being pulled down by (camera turns) nobody! Gets me every time.

Some honorable mentions that have creeped me out, if not truly scared:

- A Tale of Two Sisters (the Korean original).
- The Brood (oooold Cronenberg film).
I'm a huge fan of horror movies, so naturally I love this thread :P

Here's my list:

1. The hills have eyes (the remake) I love everything about this movie: the story, the actors, the location.

2. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the remake)

3. Wrong Turn

4. The Descent

5. The Ring

6. The Ring II

7. [REC]

8. The Grudge

9. Frontiers

10. The Exorcist (the original)

I also really liked Piranha 3D and 1408. Oh and Albino Farm is good as well if you're into backwood horror movies.

Awesome!! A fellow horror lover :biggrin: I must agree with almost all of your choices. With the exception of the Ring movies that I didn't like much.. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is my favorite of all times!! Even when I don't find them scary at all anymore lol.
I could make a list of horror movies that I love, but sadly I don't think I can find 13 movies that I can truly consider scary... I'm almost completely hardened by all those years of watching them non stop hehe. But for Halloween's sake, I'll list the two movies that scared me recently:

- The Fourth Kind. I know it's not real footage, but it adds some great atmosphere.
- Not so recently, The Exorcism of Emily Rose. That scene where the bedsheet is being pulled down by (camera turns) nobody! Gets me every time.

Some honorable mentions that have creeped me out, if not truly scared:

- A Tale of Two Sisters (the Korean original).
- The Brood (oooold Cronenberg film).

I saw "A Tale of Two Sisters". That was pretty creepy. Korean and Japanese horror movies have a thing with long hair and those jerky movements that freak me out ...
I could make a list of horror movies that I love, but sadly I don't think I can find 13 movies that I can truly consider scary... I'm almost completely hardened by all those years of watching them non stop hehe. But for Halloween's sake, I'll list the two movies that scared me recently:

- The Fourth Kind. I know it's not real footage, but it adds some great atmosphere.
- Not so recently, The Exorcism of Emily Rose. That scene where the bedsheet is being pulled down by (camera turns) nobody! Gets me every time.

Some honorable mentions that have creeped me out, if not truly scared:

- A Tale of Two Sisters (the Korean original).
- The Brood (oooold Cronenberg film).

I thought they were real, if not why did they go in and out characters of the movie?