Finally the most AWESOME thing I ever acquired!!! (as for now lol)

Holy epic LV piece du resistance, BATMAN!!!!! I love that piece, it is even more beautiful in person, if you ladies can believe that! I saw one in the Stanford LV shop and told my husband that I would love to have it if he ever got the notion to surprise me for any old holiday. Too bad it costs almost as much as he makes in a year! LOL

For those of you asking about the condition and where to buy it... It is not a vintage trunk. It is a special order item from LV boutiques. If you get extremely lucky, you might be able to buy one off the sales floor if they have one. In most cases, though, you have to order it and it takes up to a year for delivery. You can order it to match any LV canvas, AFAIK.

You have an incredibly beautiful collection that is TDF. I absolutely love your impeccable taste, exquisite! My favorites are your Springstreets, and of course the wardrobe. Congratulations on your new acquisition!
Here is some more on pics of my collections :biggrin:


Jacket and Jeans

