MJ Chat Thread

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ugh, i hate super crowded touristy spots! but it's worth doing sometimes. i hadn't thought of it but i've never been to the top of the empire state building, either! hmmm...

thanks for sharing photos, suli! versailles sounds crazy!

it's not that great. you're not missing much.

good morning!

morning ladies! it's supposed to get to 80 degrees today! i can't decide how i feel about that. normally i like it but i'm not so sure today.

i feel better about not going up to the empire state building. i just have no desire to do so! i mean, i've seen it a billion times from all angles, is that not enough?
what sucks about it is that the glass partition is so far away from the platform on the viewing deck that i feel like you don't see any more than you would from a skyscraper office window. i used to work xxx, and the huge windows would open up with no gates, no bars, no ledge, no sort of protection/barrier whatsoever. i used to stick my entire torso out and look down then up. that was pretty cool and much more fun.
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what sucks about it is that the glass partition is so far away from the platform on the viewing deck that i feel like you don't see any more than you would from a skyscraper office window. i used to work in xxx, and the huge windows would open up with no gates, no bars, no ledge, no sort of protection/barrier whatsoever. i used to stick my entire torso out and look down then up. that was pretty cool and much more fun.

<edited out personal info>.

ok that whole part up there about sticking your torso out of a SKYSCRAPER window just made me feel nauseated. seriously, the thought of doing that makes me very uncomfortable! :lol: i have done zip lines and this bungee swinging thing at six flags, but was tethered to something...you sticking yourself out of that window with no protection is making my adrenaline go nuts! my feet hurt! LOL
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ha ha, hey dawn! i know, the image of tad sticking her body out of an esb window is FREAKY. but, ya gotta love those old buildings with windows that actually open. i shouldn't complain, though, as i have been, floor-to-ceiling windows near my desk.
LOL i'm glad i'm not the only one! ;)

soooooo i talked to the hiring manager today...she is putting together the offer for me! i should have it by tomorrow morning! :yahoo:

she asked what i make now...and i was so irritated since that shouldn't have ANYTHING to do with the new job. so i just said "i am happy to tell you what i make now but i am concerned that it will have an impact on the salary for the possible new position, when i've gained 2+ more years experience and an MBA since then.."(etc). she said that she had NO idea what i made and didn't want to offer me $150K (hahahaha, yeah right) if i already make $200K. when i told her my current salary, she said that the new one would be "significantly higher"...so that made me feel a little better. we'll see!!!!
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