ode to Audrey (where for art thou???) or Chloe's Through a New Lense


why bother
Jun 27, 2006
It's been ages since we heard from our good Chloe buddy Audrey. This thread is my ode to her :yes: She taught me how to choose good lighting for the best pics and which camera lense would show off our paddy's to their most luscious and luminous. In fact, Santa brought that very lense for DH - hee hee !

I couldn't have captures these shots without Audrey's style and talent.

Happy Holidays to you girl, whereever you are!! :heart:



Thanks hinge13!

They don't even come close to the pics Audrey used to post for us tho. :shame:

It is fun trying- LOL

Maybe tomorrow I'll get DH to snap some modeling photos!
Holy moly! Those pics are incredible!!!! And I am so glad you started this thread, I have been missing Audrey and Lordguinney! Where are those ladies???
I was wondering the other day about Audrey... she was on a lot when I first joined and was so knowledgable and helpful... and now she's never here! Beautiful bag by the way! Congrats!
Dear Ladies:
We must have the same taste and same hearts!!! Although I am still quite new to the forum and I too was thinking WHY we don't hear from our friend Audrey ANYMORE??? Hope she is just busy and have other things to do BESIDES shopping....

Dear Hmwe46, LOVE your bags and I too am a sucker for RED in any shades...

May 2007 bring all my friends at PF Health, Wealth AND BAGS!!!
Wow, there are some names I haven't heard in a while. I wonder how they are!

BTW, I love those pics!!! They look fab, not to mention those lovely paddies and the absolute fabulous silverado!!!! :drool: