Newsweek asks, "Why is Katherine Heigl So Annoying?"

I don't know, but something about her irks me. She seems like a complete narcissist who doesn't think before she speaks. Didn't she, at one point, want to be paid more than Sandra Oh and Isiah Washington (and they were established actors)?
The only thing I cannot stand about her is the way she sounds so completely ungrateful in her interviews. There are tons of young starlets who would die to be in a show as successful as Grey's Anatomy. She consistently bites the hand that feeds her. She did it to Grey's Anatomy in reference to the Emmy nominations; she did it to Knocked Up that pretty much got her known to an audience that is not familiar with Grey's Anatomy; and she is doing it to Grey's Anatomy again whining about her "awful" 17 hour work days. I am thinking, "Please." You get to play dress up and read lines with Patrick Dempsey and Mark Sloan -- I am not going to feel sorry for you that you get paid my yearly salary per episode while working with gorgeous men. I am certain that there are more beautiful, more talented actresses who may not be as lucky as Heigl who would work the 17 hour days and shut up about it.
I saw an interview where she said she worked 16 hr days I wasnt really paying it much attention, but I noticed she kept saying it. I agree that's nothing to whine about nowadays when so many are out of work.
Hmmm...I really don't find her annoying at all - at least, not in the rolls she plays. I think she is very talented - a very attractive woman who can play comedic roles well. I think she just doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut - a problem that many other share with her.

And...she needs to quit smoking. Really.
I do agree that the press has sort of attacked her recently, BUT I don't think they do that to really nice people for no reason. I think she's just offended one too many people in Hollywood, and they're getting back at her...

To me, she just comes across little too big for her britches, kwim? She's no Judi Dench or Katherine Hepburn, yet she acts like she's this ahhhhmazing actress and everyone should take her sooooooooo seriously. She's a *pretty good* actress who's played in the ensemble cast of a good show, and she's done some cute movies-- that's it. She seems like she just has no sense of humor about herself, and that makes her unlikable (IMO). If you look at someone like Jennifer Aniston, her career started in a similar way, but she's always remained humble and "sweet," even when she's smoking and being outspoken. That's why people love her!

At first, I thought the article was a bit harsh, but looking at it from your angle, I can see why she's not well liked..
I think she just doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut - a problem that many other share with her.
You're right, lots of celebs, and most of them are roasted for it. Look at Dixie Chicks and other celebs that talk about how they really feel, for every 1 that agrees there's 1 louder one that disagrees and it can ruin a career.
Smart celebs keep mum and try to stay 'normal'. For example, I've never heard Cate Blanchett or Naomi Watts complain, nor do I know their political preference. . . very nice! :biggrin:
She's very annoying, when that whole Isaiah Washington TR incident happened everyone else in the cast said it was sad, they wanted to move on, focus on the show and she was up on the red carpet blabbing and going on and on about, CAN'T STAND HER.