Prince Harry and Meghan Markle thread

WTF are "hipster" chickens? Are they from West Hollywood or something??
I think ''royal" chickens would be more appropriate, they live at The Chateau of Riven Rock. :lol:

By the way, the Harkles might be stuck with the 19-toilet mansion for a while…

The average property price in the area, according to data from, has nosedived from $11million (£9million) in May to $5.250m (£4.3million) in July – equating to around a 45 percent drop.

Mountain lions are spotted regularly in California and many other western states. We had one on our property at my childhood home. I saw it from the living room window. It was amazing to see. (Unsurprisingly, our house was in the mountains.)

I suppose it could be quite surprising to someone from elsewhere, though.

Their chickens are essentially fast food for a mountain lion. :lol:
If they have any sense (or their security people do) they'll get rid of the coop. The chickens will attract a mountain lion, but if humans are in the vicinity they'll be a target too. Joggers and hikers have been attacked and killed by them.
If they have any sense (or their security people do) they'll get rid of the coop. The chickens will attract a mountain lion, but if humans are in the vicinity they'll be a target too. Joggers and hikers have been attacked and killed by them.
Yes, joggers and hikers are regularly killed by mountain lions, often in Colorado & California.

Unfortunately for their children, Buz & Huz don't seem to have much sense.

Ah, bless him. He's got the same high dose of delusions as his beloved idol MM. Foolish guy out there thinking people actually want another 'book' full of nonsense from him.

Not sure if I'll get this pasted right, but marklenews1 posted a hilarious pre-Megxit clip of the amazingly hirsute Duchess.
This reminds me of that passing trend about 10 years ago when my niece sported a fringe that covered her eyes. I kept thinking she was going around blind.

I'd forgotten about this appearance. That has to be one of the most awkward, chaotic & uncomfortable entrances to a live event I've ever seen. She seems incapable of interacting with other people in the most basic of ways.

I’d believe this story

Plus the way she's looking at him in that video screenshot

More of the same - a heat-seeking missile finding her target
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I still can't believe she was out walking with a sleeping baby only half strapped into his carrier. like this Not only is it dangerous, it looks really uncomfortable for the child to be basically hanging on by one strap under his thigh.
Creepy delirious look on her face:rolleyes:

no further comments…


Book report 2

on privileges given to MM PRIOR to her marriage. FYI MM and H were living together almost immediately , within 4-5 mos of meeting, she was written out of SUITS and unemployed so moved to London

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Say what now?

How long before they start an OnlyFans?
Hopefully never. Sounds horrifying.

Currently in a Lyft ride headed to work and the radio DJ is announcing today's birthday (August 4th) and she said:

Happy birthday, Meghan Markle, the FORMER Duchess of Sussex

Z-list would have been pissed if she heard it :roflmfao:

It's Z list's Bday. Shall I send her a copy of the Bench or Revenge? Decisions, decisions....
I am sending her a stale banana bread, an overdone chicken with a few boxes of recalled oat milk latte powder.
That's all too thoughtful. We should send her some belated celebratory mothballs, seeing as she hates the smell of them so much.
Might as well make her miserable for her birthday.

We have not heard from ZeeZy in weeks. Has anyone checked to see if she's OK?
I'd forgotten about this appearance. That has to be one of the most awkward, chaotic & uncomfortable entrances to a live event I've ever seen. She seems incapable of interacting with other people in the most basic of ways.
This is a perfect example of the clash of her LA sensibilities with British ways. It does have a game show or awards show vibe. How mortified must that poor woman have felt getting caught up in ZeeZy's bosom?
He and his sister only had SS protection until they were 18, and they were arguably at greater risk than the Harkles. I don't understand who Hazy thinks is after him and his family. I don't know if it is addressed in the book, I'm only up to the chapter right after the wedding, but I do believe ZeeZy has fed his paranoia about potential threats.
There was one serious threat mentioned in the book, sorry, don’t remember more, but H does not enter in until late in the book so you have not gone past it …
The rest of the security issue is about the annoyance of being a known celebrity, remember guards are the ones who chase off autograph seeking fans and take you home after a night of tippling , they also park the car, and open car doors
Also a recent article on Diana stated she used guards as Nannies/minders/chaperones for the boys when they were young - say after 6 years old , so, that is what H was used to, he never went out without someone to catch him if he (proverbially) fell
Who would pay to listen to Hazz? 'Rich dudes' suffering from dementia??

And ahead of the book’s release, royal author Kinsey Schofield believes Harry is trying to “brand himself” as the former US President.

Ms Schofield said: "What I think he’s trying to do is brand himself as a Mark Zuckerberg, Barack ***** — some guy that can get $100,000 for a speech in Miami to a bunch of rich dudes.

I think he is trying to brand himself as a leader in the United States and will use his book to try to do that.

“He wanted to try to rewrite his story and to be this phoenix rising from the ashes.
I think ''royal" chickens would be more appropriate, they live at The Chateau of Riven Rock. :lol:

By the way, the Harkles might be stuck with the 19-toilet mansion for a while…

The average property price in the area, according to data from, has nosedived from $11million (£9million) in May to $5.250m (£4.3million) in July – equating to around a 45 percent drop.

Ok guys, lets be accurate, it is 14 bathrooms per Bower p 371
Allegedly, this thing was posted in West Hollywood :shocked: :lol:
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I’ll improve on this graffiti the next time I’m in weho. Add some devil horns, a unibrow, maybe a moustache. I’m With Stupid and an arrow meant for Handbag over the keep calm text. Some pigeons on her shoulder for the poo on the dress.

I feel like she paid for this.
Should we expect one more lawsuit against UK government to pay for the security of the chickens?:lol:
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Get real that happens all the time in the California hills , raccoons, coyotes, mountain lions

It comes with territory