Ode to Hermes shoes

We have 2 ode to H footwear threads, one is for SHOES only and the other for BOOTS only .

If your post is about BOOTS and NOT shoes, please post on the ode to boots thread here: https://forum.purseblog.com/threads...o-h-boots-thread.535045/page-47#post-32637422

If your post is about SHOES only, then post on this thread.

If if you have a reveal, comment, question about both please post about the SHOES on here and then go to https://forum.purseblog.com/threads...o-h-boots-thread.535045/page-47#post-32637422 and post about boots on there.

Here's a side profile of mine!

I took the same size as my orans so it kinda hits my ankle bone but it doesn't bother me. They fit almost the same as the day sneakers and are a bit stiff so they get uncomfortable after an hour of non stop walking but not enough to deter me from getting more colors. Super cute and pretty.
Thanks for the photos! They look great on you :smile:
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