Ask a GUY anything!

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caitlin1214 said:
You hear about women faking orgasms, but is it possible for men to fake them?

Hell, I can answer that. Since men ejaculate when they orgasm, they cannot "fake" that. However, they can make silly noises to make the woman think they have, uh, reached fruition, when they really have not.
StupidGermans! said:
Ever wonder how we guys really work? I have read various g/f's Cosmos and a lot of what is in there to tell you how we work is total bull!

I am probably as typical of a guy as you can think of. I watch sports, love fast cars, drink, party and have told girls whatever they want to hear to get into their pants... in the past of course, when I was young and reckless. I'm 24 now, much more sensitive.

So go at it girls, don't be shy.
so you go on to blogs that talk about purses and read cosmo girl.. :wlae:
sparkles48 said:
LOL!! Yes, the ring needs to be approved by my fellow PFers before I can agree to marrying you.. I'm sure you understand! ;) :roflmfao: :roflmfao:

But sweetheart, why has this gotten so materialistic. Do you not remember the feelings we built this relationship on? Back when thinking of the others' smile would keep us happy for hours we didn't need expensive rings then to know of our commitment. Lets take this back to the beginning when our love was fresh and just forget about that sparkly ring altogether? We don't need that, all we need is each other :heart:
ok really now, this thread is ridiculous. today's man is no longer a man's man, and the man's man would NEVER be caught dead on a forum like this.

tell me, would you, a guy's guy.. be comfortable being in a room full of gay guys, most that are shirtless and others drunk and making out in front of you? others could possibly be doing stuff in the bathroom or whatnot?

cuz really, a guy's guy, would not. "they're a MAN! HOO-HAH!!" none of the metrosexual bi-curious crap.
caitlin1214 said:
Haha! That's a funny question! Did anyone watch Newlyweds? Remember the episode when Jessica tried to swing a golf club and she said her boobs were getting in her way? For some reason that question made me think of that.

So men probably shouldn't try to play golf using their balls? :lol:
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