My experience with a Macy's salesperson when buying a new bag.

We all seem to forget that firing her is not the customer's decision. My point is that the manager deserves to know what happened; any disciplinary action, if any, that is taken is at his/her discretion. But stores cannot improve their service unless they know what is happening.

Hogancollector, don't let this affect how you feel about your beautiful new bag! And don't forego stopping at the department store when you are in the neighborhood because of this experience. Maybe next time strike up a conversation with an SA before the purchase and you can get a better feel for how they will treat you. If it isn't appropriate, you can find another SA before you make your purchase. But love your bag!
The 'husband' comment reminds me of when I was in a clothes shop, a few years ago, with my BF and I took a few items to the counter and my BF got out his card to pay and the SA looked at him and then looked at me and said; 'Oh, I thought so!' in a very pointed kind of a way.... :wtf:

I'm sure she meant; 'Oh, I knew he'd be paying, not you!'; as if I was some sort of kept woman! :roflmfao::roflmfao::roflmfao:

To his credit, my BF said; 'Actually, it's her money, it's just that I'm the one who brought my card out, today.', which was true.

The funny thing was that, at that time, he was, technically, the 'kept' person in the relationship; not me! :lol: Though, of course, I didn't say that. :nogood:

I wish these people would keep their ignorant, prejudiced, mouths shut. But I guess they just can't help speaking their thoughts out loud? :shrugs:

You could report her to the management of the store, but I'm not sure that it would do much good?

Perhaps the best advice would be, as my mother would have said; 'Take it from whence it comes.'. :biggrin:
At this point in time I had black hair and pink highlights. Unconventional i know. But my choice. She and the other lady behind the counter were talking to each other and while I was making my mind up about the purse. the one said to the other in a hushed voice I would never wear my hair like that it looks like halloween.. that just flat out unattractive...

Well, I think black hair with pink highlights sounds great. :tup:

Sounds like they were too lacking in imagination and artistic flair to appreciate it, to me. :yes:

My hair's pretty 'normal', but I wear what I like (within reason) and I've heard lots of whispered comments from SAs, too; they're just very bored, *****y, very average, badly brought up, jealous, little girls, when it comes down to it. :rolleyes:

You should pity them - they can't help being terminally boring and not very bright, after all. ;) :lol:

BTW, I'm not saying, for one minute, that all SAs are like that. I worked part time as an SA, myself, when I was at college and many of the girls I worked with were very pleasant, polite, intelligent and professional. :smile:
Thats terrible, I'm so sorry that happened to you. She represents the company and should be happy for any sale she can ring up. There is no need to be petty or jealous. I agree with the posters above that you should report this experience.
Where is she from? She needs some seminars in Sales and Customer Service! I personally don't shop at Macy's. Macy's always looks messy and cluttered to me and the sales staff seem more occupied in closing up to go home or straightening the hot mess they have on their hands.
When I worked retail I went broke buying the merchandise. I think I ended up owing the store money.

It was rude but I personally wouldn't complain about her. She is totally in the wrong line of work. That was probably her best sale of the day and she tries to talk you out of it? Nuts.
Jebus crepes...I wouldn't have cared about any of the other comments, but the "husband or boyfriend" part would've made me livid, especially since I do have one and he has never paid for any of my shopping and probably never will (have to). I work hard for my (shopping) money and precise budgeting has made it possible, which I'm sure is true for a lot of you as well.

That being said, what's done is done and if you believe in karma, she'll get her ass canned for something or another soon enough.
I would complain to Dooney. Dooney is paying mightily for shelf space, positioning and advertising in that store. And here you have an SA slamming one of Dooney's most highly advertised products this season. Send them a copy of the receipt and tell them the name of the store, the date and the time. They're almost certain to raise cane with Macy's.
As a hard-working women you have not only the right but the authority to pruchase whatever you want. It is very unfortunately that an individual who does not have your purchasing power needs to justify YOUR purchase with HER values. If the purse was what you want, you go girl and buy the purse!

An individual should not be an SA if she intends to place her personal values on those of her customers. I hope you enjoy your bag immensely!
Tacky, classless & rude! Negative people can be so draining. You should have the right to be excited about your new bag! Forget about her, she's not worth your energy. Come celebrate with your pfr's! Show us some pics! Its time to celebrate your new exciting purchase! :wlae:
What a horrible thing to say, and totally unprofessional. I would complain I'm afraid, but only because I have a bee in my bonnet at the moment about modern manners and lack of. There's no respect in this world anymore, people just don't seem to care about anything but themselves. I just don't think it's appropriate to talk to people like that, and making overly personal comments about someone you don't know is out of line. No matter what job you have, you're there to do that job well, and if you don't, then it's time questions were asked. There are far to many deadbeats where I work and no-one will do a damn thing about it. Noone's saying fire her, but she clearly needs a bit of direction, or the kick up the ass she needs to get herself out of there.
:cursing::cursing: OMG this FUMES me and it didn't even happen to ME lol!!! I would have immediately summoned a manager & dealt w/ it right then and there...and then left the bag there and walk away...That is absolutley rude, crude, mean & not acceptable on any level....Def call back and complain that the epsiode ruined your purchase.Personally I would return the bag and buy it somewhere else..unless of course your arm was twisted with a hefty discount....UGH!!!! I hate reading these stories!!!! Some people were just born miserable!!! I'm soooooooooooo sorry this happened to you..really!! :flowers:
I would complain to Dooney. Dooney is paying mightily for shelf space, positioning and advertising in that store. And here you have an SA slamming one of Dooney's most highly advertised products this season. Send them a copy of the receipt and tell them the name of the store, the date and the time. They're almost certain to raise cane with Macy's.


YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT idea!!!! ITA!!!!!:tup:
I really hate it when people assume that a woman is incapable of being financially successful enough to purchase expensive things for herself without a man helping her out. Ugh! :cursing: I'm sorry that the SA was so unprofessional to you.
I would too complain to the manager. It does not mean she would be fired. I wish she would not be...
NOBODY care for her opinion... Especially when someobdy is buying something...
I too hate comments like "is this all for today?" (in this case I ask "What more do you want me to buy from you?"). I recently talked to two SA, one was asking me if one hanger is the only thing I want to buy from Storables? And he add, you probably bought new clothing item, what is why you need a hanger? I was like :confused1:... Can you just ring a transaction, smile and say thank you and come back?
Why do I need to hear comments from SA about how much or not enough I buy from them and how often I stop at their store?
Macy is usually not what bad in WA... Except getting help when you need it...
I think the problem with SA - they are not selling you something, they are ringing your purchase, they just perform transaction. Most of time they don't know what they are sellling, the inventory itself, unwilling to look for a product, in best case scenario they would inform you of store promotions and that is all.
Another problem is SA don't like when you look for something by yourself, they will follow the customer, but when you truly need their help - in the dressing room, with sizes etc they are nowhere to be found...
Another question I personally hate : "What brought you here today?" :wtf: