My new Chanels and my SA left left me a special gift!

that gold bag is amazing!! i think it's quite striking and looks great on you, imgg!
i thought your surprise gift would be something completely different.... as in, a nice gift like a scarf (i can just dream). hope you can get that sensor out. i myself would go back to the store out of fear.

Trust me, no nice special gifts from any SA as of yet, just this beautiful piece of plastic on my bag!

I will definitely take it in a store to be removed. I am not so savvy with doityourself projects.

Nice to see you. Hope medical school is going well....or did you graduate?
Gorgeeeeousss in Gold!!:yes: Hope you get that tag off safely and in time for her first outing with ya!

And suddenly, I need a tweed flap!*swoon* Am going to have to start a thread asking to be educated on tweed flaps....
Hi all... I find myself keep coming back to look... does anyone has a pic of this gorgeous gold E/W in Silver? I remember a pfer posted one some time ago... I just can't find it now...:sad: and hopefully someone with the old look book could give me the style codes? :drool: I need to tell the SA what I am looking for , do I call it crushed silver EW? .... I'm in love............with this flap now :P
Hi all... I find myself keep coming back to look... does anyone has a pic of this gorgeous gold E/W in Silver? I remember a pfer posted one some time ago... I just can't find it now...:sad: and hopefully someone with the old look book could give me the style codes? :drool: I need to tell the SA what I am looking for , do I call it crushed silver EW? .... I'm in love............with this flap now :P

I think if you described it to an SA as a dark silver crushed textured lambkin in e/w for 1995 they would know what you are talking about. Here's the classic flap style in silver on eBay (way over priced) I actually prefer the e/w in this style since there is a lot going on with this bag and it looks better IMO in smaller doses. The silver one might not be quite as bling bling as the gold one is though...
i love both of your bags but the gold one is spectacular. i saw both the gold and silver next to each other at nordie, and while i am usually the silver girl, i couldn't put the gold one down. it's a piece of art and a keeper in my book! if i didn't already have the bronze python clutch i would have bought the gold clutch that matches your flap. the bags are stunning on you!