Tokidoki Jewlery!!

That looks SO cute!!!
Really, it looks amazing on you!
Where are/ how do I get in touch with the outlets?
The prints that have come out so far are: original, pirate, spring and summer, right??
That's not a pic of me, that pic came from japanla's myspace page!!

There are more prints than what you listed. There's original, playground, cammo in olive & black, citta, foresta, inferno, paradiso, pirata, adios star and then there were some solid colors like fumo (gray), black, orange. I think that's it but I'm not positive. If you go to LeSportsac and click on locations they'll list the lesportsac outlet stores and you can call or email them. There's only 3 outlet stores. Good Luck!!
tokiliciousjeny: it's so funny because I am :sick: sick right now and I have Laryngitis and can hardly talk right now . But it didn't stop me from calling JapanLa to order that bullet necklace. :lol: I hope the girl could at least understand me enough that my necklace will get here to me. She probably thought I was some :nuts: crazy person.
ILOVETOKIDOKI - I hope you feel better soon...being sick is not going to be good for your wallet b/c you can shop online all day!! $11 for necklace only is a bit high. She could've just thrown it in a priority envelope for under $5. I sure hope we all :heart: it!! I wonder if she takes returns...any ideas??
ILOVETOKIDOKI - I hope you feel better soon...being sick is not going to be good for your wallet b/c you can shop online all day!! $11 for necklace only is a bit high. She could've just thrown it in a priority envelope for under $5. I sure hope we all :heart: it!! I wonder if she takes returns...any ideas??
Thanks I am already feeling somewhat better medicine works wonders.
I don't know what their return policy is , but I think no matter what i will want to keep mine even if it's just to hang it on one of my purses. Since the people that run JapanLa are friends with Simone Legno I bet they have all kinds of tokidoki we have never even seen yet. Like someone was talking about a tokidoki playground necklace ?
Did you look at the pictures that JapanLa has in their gallery under JapanLa friends Simone is in the first picture and some pictures give a peek at what the store must look like. I would love to go there but since I am completely on the other side of the united states i doubt it will ever happen.