rock hudson documentary

I watched this last night. I didn't cry but it was very sad and I had trouble sleeping after - not sure if my insomnia was caused by the show but suggest maybe not watching right before bed time.
Thank you! I’m waiting to see this with my mom - truthfully I’m hoping it’ll pop up at one of the theatres that screens documentaries. But I’ll keep the tip in mind!
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I was just thinking that you don't hear of any celebrities with HIV anymore. I know we have drugs that can control symptoms etc. But you never even hear of celebrity addicts dying of it. Is it just not happenning anymore or is it just not being disclosed? For instance for my children AIDs seem like getting Chlamydia. They don't understand the seriousness of it because you don't hear much anymore even in terms of education/prevention.
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I was just thinking that you don't hear of any celebrities with HIV anymore. I know we have drugs that can control symptoms etc. But you never even hear of celebrity addicts dying of it. Is it just not happenning anymore or is it just not being disclosed? For instance for my children AIDs seem like getting Chlamydia. They don't understand the seriousness of it because you don't hear much anymore even in terms of education/prevention.
drugs control the symptoms now