Post Web Hermes Finds

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These horse charms are so cute. Though to be precise, Hermes should call the horse and jockey - jumping horse and rider. Jockeys ride racehorses. I wish this came in pink or green. Otherwise I'd be jumping on it. (No pun intended :smile:)
Click on the second link that I posted. I still see it.

Yes I can see it from your link and already bought it . Just wonder how come I can't see it if I go to the official website and search by petit H.

Btw one more question needs your help. I can't choose the color of the star correct? I saw 3 listed and they are: Fuschia, Rouge & rose and that will be randomly assigned?
Yes I can see it from your link and already bought it . Just wonder how come I can't see it if I go to the official website and search by petit H.

Btw one more question needs your help. I can't choose the color of the star correct? I saw 3 listed and they are: Fuschia, Rouge & rose and that will be randomly assigned?

Correct. They will send a random color from the red color group. I hope you get pretty color!