My "New" Wedding Ring

So, some of you may have read last year when my original wedding/engagement (only one ring for me) got stolen at work - I took it off to wash my hands, left it in the ladies room, and poof. Gone.

I got another one a few months ago...and then lost it when I took it off at the gym to work out. Put it in my locker and forgot to put it back on when I left so that it either got stolen or fell somewhere and is lost forever.

I am so sorry to hear thta your Wedding Rings keep get stolen or lost. At work do you have video cameras in the hall or the bathroom? I only ask because this happened to my girlfriend when she took off her ring to wash her hands and someone stole it at work, so she went to security and watched the cameras and involved the police and than the person who stole it just turned it in from fear of going to jail. Samething with the gym you should have them check.

Anyway what a lovely story about your Grandmother and a pretty ring.
The story behind your ring makes it the most beautiful! No big rocks or some fancy smancy designer ring compares to the meaning and history behind your ring. Please please don't lose this one:P
Thank you everyone!!! It means a lot to me to be able to share this with all of you. I love it here! :smile:

I will NEVER take this off! Even when I made cookies this weekend I left it on. LOL I hate washing my hands with rings on but that's just tough - I'm learning to live with it. cameras near the rest rooms unfortunately. I *think* we have cameras on the floors but nowhere near the women's room. The gym does have video cameras and I think the security staff viewed them but they don't extend into the women's locker room so if someone did find it there and kept it there'd be no way to tell when they exited the room. Those rings just weren't meant to be I guess and each time was a learning experience. The first one wasn't insured (I know...stupid!) and the second one was.

This one means more to me though. I mean, I loved my first one, don't get me wrong. But this one is just ... it just is. :smile:

I miss my grandma so much it aches. I hope she is looking down from heaven and smiling. I want to make her proud. She's inspired me so much and I never really ever told her that.

If your grandma (or grandpa) is still living go tell them you love them! :heart:
That is a beautiful story. I'm sorry to hear about your loss, but what a beautiful way to remember your grandmother. Every time you look down at your hand you will be reminded of her and her love. The ring looks lovely on you.
Oh, it's beautiful! You know what, maybe you were meant to "lose" all of those other rings, because you got this in the end - and it seems to be the most special one of all ^_^
{You know, it doesn't cost that much to insure that ring as part of your apartment or home insurance. Well worth it. Even if you keep it on, if the prongs fail or whatever, you're covered.}

My deepest sympathies to you and your family at this time.

I had major issues with the insurance company with the second ring I lost. We had a special rider on our home policy for a certain dollar amount. That dollar amount is what they determined our fees for. And then when I lost the ring they refused to pay out that amount. I was really ticked.

And with this's priceless. I can't imagine losing it or trying to replace it. :sad: I would seriously be devastated! But I do probably need to add it back to our policy.