LV does NOT stand by their product. Terrible quality and even worse customer service

Like I said, this is not a journey post this is to warn people of the policies I was told and the inconsistencies from store to store, SA to SA. Just as there are people who may still enjoy their old model there are plenty who don’t. Lastly, maybe if it were handled consistently there wouldn’t be a bashing post of hit and miss answers for replacements to begin with. I wouldn’t consider any brand that gives a client an extensive run around standing behind their brand? Probably just proves it more if one store agrees the other store shouldn’t of denied it?

I’m not sure why you feel I need to update everyone… if you are asking for that info to see how you can use it for your bag I already told you after you asked me which platforms to look at regarding replacements when you said your zipper is annoying and you didn’t know they offered some people replacements.

If you like your bag, that’s great? I’m sorry but if you want more info/update that is not the way to ask for it. Otherwise I don’t know the purpose of your post. In all honesty, I don’t think LV cares about many people’s opinions including many of their former employees. Unless someone is on their PR list or EXTREMELY VIC I don’t think they need defending lol.
There are probably inconsistencies at every store. I feel you should update everybody because you ACCUSE LV of not standing behind their product but don’t want to post resolution. Thats bad. I’m not asking you anything about my bag because if I want to ask my SA I will ask her about it not you. I’ve been a long term customer and I am sure they Would help me. Your post makes no sense and if you walked in there with the attitude you have in your posts no wonder why they wouldn’t help you.
The fact is, LV and other premier luxury brands determine by the individual fact pattern in every case whether to provide aftercare service and to what extent. Just because some people get a favorable resolution and others do not does not necessarily mean the company is being unfair. (many posters above have made this observation like @daisy913 and @DME . I say this even though I have not had the greatest outcome myself. I think if an accusation is made and an outcome not posted, or it seems like the fact pattern is arguable, others can read between the lines and determine for themselves whether the thread title is warranted, exaggerated, etc. i do stand by my prior recommendation that it helps not to start with an entitled attitude and also helps if one’s SA can broach the topic or weigh in (in my raincoat case, sadly my SA left, or I would have asked him to handle my issue). Like @LVlvoe_bug , I believe a reasonable discussion with an SA one knows is always the best start when possible.
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There’s nothing to update LOL I literally don’t know why you guys are so invested.

I already told you the second store agreed with me. In fact when they opened it, it got caught on to the canvas in front of me. I watched 2 SAs try to free the canvas from the zipper and then they got a manager to take a look because they didn’t want to damage the canvas lol. They apologized for the other store and said they wished I went to their location first and are working on a repair since there was NO resolution at the other store.

Whether it’s a repair/replacement does that change the fact that LV is inconsistent? No.

Is it unfair one store offers help while one doesn’t? Yes- it’s not right

Did I walk into either store demanding anything or acting entitled? Absolutely NOT! Not at all.

Do I think I am entitled to a repair or replacement for a bag that myself and the SA had trouble opening because of their design? Yep!

Do I have a right to be upset at the first store for their poor service proved by the second store? Yes

Whether you agree or don’t everyone’s experience is different. We don’t have to agree and it doesn’t matter to me if you or don’t lol.

@LVlvoe_bug YOU asked me which platforms you could take a look at regarding people getting replacements since you said you didn’t know. Maybe your SA should have checked in with you since you’re a long term client of theirs to see if you had issues with the zipper working properly. You then said you hope I get a replacement lol. Now you are going off because there wasn’t an update? Lol.

I’m not even as invested in this as much as you are Talk about entitlement. If you act this way demanding an update that has nothing to do with you, I couldn’t imagine if it was about your bag lol.

This thread is so moot, agree to disagree. That’s all there is to it lol. I don’t have time nor am I interested in talking about your experiences or assumptions vs mine. Also, please don’t ask me anymore details like how you did about which platforms to research just go ask your SA if you need to know how LV does or doesn’t handles issues
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