Dogs destroying designer clothes, how to proceed?

Yes how I should have sorted the situation if it got ripped. Cause I was really mad. Just looking for validation really.

I am afraid you won't get much validation for your feelings over a hypothetical situation that didn't happen. That's irrational and doesn't warrant being upset a long time after.

For the sake of your own mental well-being, move on from the situation. Holding a grudge over an almost-thing is not healthy.
Meh, a lot of people make me angry. Pet ownership aside. Life is too short to dwell. Good luck moving on.

The best change of attitude I've made over the last decade is to accept that I can't control the way other people behave. Holding negative emotions over someone else's sh**ty or inconsiderate behavior only harms me in the long run and doesn't change the other person.

Moving on is the best thing you can do for yourself.
I sympathize with OP, but I live in NY where there are so many poorly behaved people and dogs that an almost incident doesn’t faze me. i do try to avoid both as much as possible. Ans, I blame pet owners who dont pay attention more than dogs who have not been trained to behave. But, poorly disciplined, misbehaving children probably bother me more than dogs. I know, I sound like a grinch lol. But, in all seriousness, if I let any of this bother me, I would have collapsed from sheer aggravation a million times by now. I do have an excellent, though costly, dry cleaner and tailor who take care of mishaps, which is how I would proceed with any damaged clothing. They call me their VIP client, and I am positive I have helped put their children through school and contributed substantially to their respective retirements lol.
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Op I get your frustration over irresponsible pet owners and I am of the opinion that animals do not belong at work.
I also understand how you would have been worried about your clothes being ruined by the dogs.
Thankfully they are your ex colleagues now so take deep breaths, and be relieved that you are no longer dealing with this issue.