Does anyone compliment your Cartier jewellery .

Here in NYC, Cartier is very widespread, so most people won't "compliment" it. But a lot of people will "eye" it. LOL But I'm like meh, don't care. I love what I love. LOL
If you live in a fashion conscious city people are more likely to know what you’re wearing but may never compliment it beyond a generic “love your jewelry”.
Offering Cartier-specific compliments might come across as intrusive, because it’s expensive jewelry that sometimes needs a low profile depending on where you are (think pumping gas).
You shouldn’t want to come across as showing off but that you’re simply wearing what appeals to your personal style and taste. At end of day, you should just wear what you love whether it’s complimented it or not.
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I do get complimented on my love bracelet. We don’t have a Cartier in my city, but we should, and usually when someone sees it and recognizes it, they comment (positively). I often get a “nice bracelet! *wink*” from other people also wearing a love, almost like its some secret club or something :lol: . It’s a little cheesy, but hey, they are spreading positivity, so I graciously accept.
I do get complimented on my love bracelet. We don’t have a Cartier in my city, but we should, and usually when someone sees it and recognizes it, they comment (positively). I often get a “nice bracelet! *wink*” from other people also wearing a love, almost like its some secret club or something :lol: . It’s a little cheesy, but hey, they are spreading positivity, so I graciously accept.
Same! When my loves were new I got compliments from people left and right for a week or two- I think just due to the shine. It’s when they have a patina and you get a compliment that you know they just know. Still pretty rare in the Midwest and I’d prefer it would stay that way!
As with other members, I get a few random compliments here and there. But it's mostly b/c they like the fit and have no clue it's Cartier. But I did get my one girlfriend on the radar with the Love collection. She recently got the ring and will likely get the bracelet down the road:graucho: I felt like such the "influencer" lol
I got my cuff shined. I wore it too work and a girl loved it. She never heard of Cartier.
This reminds me of the time I complimented a customer at a diner I worked in college. She had two stacked love rings and I was like I like your rings. And she looked at me all condescending and was like they're Cartier.
Like yes I that point I didn't own any but I knew what they were lol

This post makes me realize I say "like" too much. I better like work on it
I’ve gotten a few compliments when I go into higher end jewelry stores, other than that my friends have no idea what jewelry I am wearing which I don’t mind because they would die if they knew what they all cost.
Lol reminds me of mother in law. I went over to clean with her and she was like oh that's a cute little bracelet. Maybe I'll get one. I didnt say anything because i knew she would freak about the price.