Do you wear strapless tops/dresses even though you've got "rolls?"

Feb 2, 2006
Forgive my silliness, but.....

I've never worn anything strapless, because I'm really self-conscious about my fleshy upper arms and those dreaded pit know, those rolls of fat by the armpits near the bra line. :amuse: My boobs are small but I have a lot of fatty, thick skin on my upper chest and near my armpits. The thing is, I see a lot of women with body types like mine who totally ROCK strapless looks. In fact, I see plenty of women who are waaaay more voluptuous than me who look great in strapless styles. (for reference, I'm 5'2" and 98-100 lbs) But whenever I try strapless stuff on, I think that I look like a linebacker, with hammy arms and armpit fat oozing over the top. Am I just too "hung up" on this hang-up? Should I just get over myself and wear it? I suspect that I'm too critical of myself and that I probably wouldn't look heinous in a strapless dress, but...well, you know how these little body phobias are.

Here I am in my mid-30s and I still lack the confidence to go ahead and wear what I think is beautiful! I'm attending a couple of dressy events this summer and there's a gorgeous black strapless dress I'm lusting after, but I don't have the balls to wear it! Argh! What is wrong with me?! My husband says I probably have mild body dysmorphia and he may be right....I just wish I could get over it. I know I could wear a shawl to cover up but that would defeat the purpose of wearing a strapless dress. I'd love to hear from other non-modelesque girls about their thoughts on wearing strapless clothes! Thanks in advance! :P
Well if you are 5'2 and a 100 lbs and you feel like you have fat and rolls, I must be a beached whale at 5'3 and 135. I wear strapless stuff all the time and have no issues whatsoever and I always get compliments. I think you are being hard on yourself. I cant imagine at your size that you would have any rolls or issues looking nice in strapless things.
I wear strapless tops/dresses... I'm definitely not a 100 lbs... if you got it flaunt it if your comfortable in what your wearing, who cares what other ppl think. Its whatever makes YOU happy! :biggrin:
Sigh. You all speak the truth, and intellectually, I totally get it. I think I need to just wear what I think is pretty and put blinders on, and not over-think things as I usually do! Thanks girls! :smile: I know I'm not fat, or even chubby -- I'm just really hard on myself. I totally need to get over it!!!! Talk about Hang-ups with a capital H!!!!
if you have the confidence to wear what you are wearing, you will look good regardless of your height and weight.

if it bothers you, don't wear it. nothing is more unattractive than self-consciousness and a lack of confidence in oneself.
You're only 100lbs, that makes you tiny! I'll bet you're over-exaggerating the "rolls".
If it helps, you could tone up your arms but really, i don't think that's your problem!
First of all--from your height and weight you certainly don't sound like someone with "rolls". Secondly. . .soft is sexy. I bet if you asked a group of men every one of them would find some soft, womanly flesh rising out of a beautiful dress much sexier than skin stretched over ribs.

That being said. . .if YOU don't feel pretty in the dress, you won't have a good time at the party. I say, go try it on and take a good friend with you--a good enough friend to be honest. And/or take it home for "approval". Show it it DH. . .if he loves it. . .then be brave! You'll probably get a basket full of compliments at the party and will then LOVE your chest and arms!

One other thing--re-evaluate your strapless bra. Some of those are cut in such a way that they shove up that softer flesh around the front of your armpits and create a roll where none really is.
I agree that your height/weight definitely indicate that you would likely have fewer "rolls" than many other people. But try on different styles of strapless dresses. I weigh more than 100 lb, but some styles are very flattering on me and others are not (just like any other type of clothing). Or take an honest friend with you and you will be able to see it on her face when something looks great!
At your height and weight I can't imagine where you could have rolls. I'm slightly shorter and heavier than you, and I feel too thin overall, really. Try something strapless and get opinions from some of your trusty friends. If they say you look great, then listen to them!

If by some mystery you really do have rolls that can be confirmed by third parties, then don't wear strapless. Not every style is for everyone unfortunately. I'm not heavy by any means, but I do have some mad thunder thighs and I cannot wear a clingy skirt or dress no matter how much I wish I could.
First, I'm so glad that no one has flamed me for this thread...thank you! :flowers: Most of us women have at least one nagging body issue that we can't seem to get over, even if it's unfounded. Obviously, this is mine! :blush: Yes, I'm thin overall but I am an "apple" shape, and we apples tend to be thicker on top. I totally wish I was a pear instead!

Loves -- so true that lack of confidence makes one appear less attractive. I feel fairly positive about myself in general, but I admit I do "hide" behind long-sleeved tops and cardigans.

Ampeefyed -- I have the softest body ever! I've tried all my life to tone up but it's like my body is incapable of forming muscle. It's not so much fully formed "rolls" as it is thick flesh that spills over when I wear strapless stuff.

Greygirl -- I appreciate your thoughtful and understanding post. :smile: Hehe, my husband likes my 'softness,' although I'd prefer to be more toned. My body just refuses to form muscle! DH likes anything that shows skin, so he'd definitely love me in a strapless dress....great idea to bring an honest friend shopping, though! As for strapless bras, I haven't been able to find one that doesn't dig into my bust at the top....and I've looked everywhere. If you or anyone else knows of a good one that isn't tight at the top, let me know!

Hautemama -- it's so true that at my height and weight, it would seem that I should have no rolls or problems with things fitting right, but there are some styles that just don't work on me. Cap sleeves, for instance, are my enemy. Also crew neck tops make me look dumpy. We'll see whether strapless also falls into this category!

Plain jane doe -- haha, "confirmed by third parties" -- yes, I really need to take some trusty friends shopping with me.
Hi girl,

I know exactly what you are talking bout - I have the armpit fat too. But to be honest NO one notices until you point them out..I've had this discussion with my three roommates when I wear tube tops. Now I wear them all the time!! Trust me you will be the only one that knows they are there! Just be confident when you wear your outfits :smile: I'm sure you will look fabulous.
I bought a strapless dress last weekend and I actually asked the SA if my armpit fat was noticable :biggrin: (at first she laughed at me, but she actually was really nice)

I think it's one of those think only you notice and noone else, so I would go for it!
Go for it, Kristy! You're tiny!!!

I do wear strapless dresses sometimes, but usually with a little short sleeved shrug. Everyone tells me I don't need it, but it makes me feel more confident.