Do you have like a personal relation ship with your bags??

Irissy said:
My bag will usually be sitting in the passenger's seat while I'm driving and every few minutes or if I'm stopping at a red light, I would glance over and make sure "she" is ok and still sitting there peacefully and enjoying her ride. It got to the point that one of my girl friends started to notice and asked me why I kept looking at my bag while I'm driving. :lol: Yup, my bag gets to ride in front with me!
OMG you crack me up!! :lol:
I have this bad habit of babying them that I don't use them. I keep on using the lesser known brand bags and keep putting off using the pricey one but the pricey one should be the ones being used right?! I mean they costed more, quality is better and damn....I didn't pay that much for it to sit in my closet right?! LOL.