Denise Richards Thread

I dont get it. Celebrities who get into the business know everything that comes with it, including paparazzi. I know paparazzi can get crazy and annoying but did these people ever stop to think that maybe if they just let them take their picture there wouldnt be these confrontations? (and no, im not defending paparazzi either, they should know to back off as well and take pictures from a distance)
sorry ...NO.

She's an adult.
She has two children.
Temper tantrums are for kids.

She works in a business where..well getting your picture taken is part of it!

Um, if the photographers were trespassing would you feel the same way? I totally understand that getting your picture taken is part of the territory when you are a celebrity but I have to think that something pushed her over the edge to do that. In this case, I read that the photographers trespassed onto the set. I don't know, would she have been allowed (in your mind) to destroy their laptops if she found them in her house, or in her yard? The truth is you don't know that it was a temper tantrum, do you? I just haven't heard about Denise Richards and violence before so I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt. As far as I know no one is pressing charges. Doesn't that say a lot, that the people who were involved (including the photographers) aren't asking the police to press charges? :idea:

I can't help but feel that if it were a male celebrity (especially a male athlete!), we wouldn't be making as big a deal. But when a woman does it, it's a "temper tantrum." Aye, the double standard!!
If she actually was pushed over the edge or not and threw these laptops, all I can say is she's lucky she's not facing charges for negligent homicide if those laptops had actually hit those two elderly people, either seriously injuring or worse yet, killing them....especially a frail 91 year old. Luckily they had angels on their shoulders. Irregardless of how angry or intrusize a paparazzi can be, an action that can cause bodily injury of innocent people is inexcusable. She would very well know that there is that possibility of hitting someone in a busy casino lobby below.
Um, if the photographers were trespassing would you feel the same way? I totally understand that getting your picture taken is part of the territory when you are a celebrity but I have to think that something pushed her over the edge to do that. In this case, I read that the photographers trespassed onto the set. I don't know, would she have been allowed (in your mind) to destroy their laptops if she found them in her house, or in her yard? The truth is you don't know that it was a temper tantrum, do you? I just haven't heard about Denise Richards and violence before so I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt. As far as I know no one is pressing charges. Doesn't that say a lot, that the people who were involved (including the photographers) aren't asking the police to press charges? :idea:

I can't help but feel that if it were a male celebrity (especially a male athlete!), we wouldn't be making as big a deal. But when a woman does it, it's a "temper tantrum." Aye, the double standard!!

It goes with the job unfortunately. And by dating who she is dating the pap. is salivating over the possibility of seeing something/anything. Where it not for that relationship I am not sure people would care about her. Remember after Wild Things she was not heard from until she married Charlie. As for the double standard, I don't recall people being kind in their remarks about Russell Crowe or Sean Penn.
Denise Richards arrived at LAX from Canada on November 11th and was seen in this hooded parka by Juicy Couture. I guess she decided on posing for the paparazzi now instead of throwing their laptops. Anyway, she looks great in the Juicy jacket.

**please post a photo, not a link to your blog.