Castor Oil

I have been using castor oil for years, and it is fantastic!!
I use it for my eyelashes, and as everyone says here, it works great!!

I also use it in my hair. I have dark brown hair, and I read somewhere that it helps with hair loss - a few years ago I started to lose hair and tried this. It really worked with some hair growth. What I also noticed, is it slowed down my grey hair and spread out the length of time I could go in between getting my hair color done. Now, I'm 42 and really don't have a lot of grey hair at all, just at the sides, and I swear castor oil is a miracle worker for grey hair. However, you can't use it if you have light hair as it can darken your hair. Being a dark brunette I am lucky. I rub it in my scalp at night and wash it in the morning. You get used to it, and it's well worth the stickiness!!!!

It's also a fantastic moisturizer for eyes (less is more).

The best part - it is incredibly inexpensive :smile:
Wow! So many uses! I'm going to pick some this weekend!
I've started using this based on your recommendations. I got it at Sally and definitely paid more than I could have elsewhere, but sometimes it's just easier to buy now than shop around.

Did a quick search and couldn't find anyone posting about castor oil as a beauty product.

I purchased castor oil from Wal-Mart last week, and have been applying it with a disposable mascara wand to my eyelashes (upper and bottom) and eyebrows just before bed, and have noticed a big difference in length and condition of my lashes. My lashes are stronger and no longer fall out when I'm taking off my makeup (I genuinely haven't lost a single eyelash in days since I've been using castor oil). Haven't noticed a massive increase in length, but considering I've only been using it for one week, I have noticed a difference.

Has anyone else used castor oil to stimulate hair growth?
yeah castor oil is also used as eye lashes growth. but sometime i used it as a Heals Inflamed Skin and for my acne problem. castor oil strengthens roots Scalp infections make hair weak, and castor oil kills all infection-causing bacteria
I use castor oil on my scalp mixed with olive oil or coconut oil every other week to promote hair growth. The only thing I notice is where I had some some bald patches, there is now baby fine peach fuzz growing. I have been doing this for about 10 months now. While I don't think it's a miracle product and it does tend to tangle my hair, I figure it's all natural and I have nothing to lose. It is definitely known to promote eye lash growth too.
anyone who has (poorly) dyed blonde destroyed (like literally breaking not even elastic) hair and using castor oil?
my beautician suggested it as hydrator and reparation however i am torn between castor oil or olive oil for that (or a mix of both) :/
doing olaplex already but need another boost