Amazing Light Bags

The Bbags are very light but I find the Fendi spy very light as well. Looks are deceiving ... the spy looks heavy but when I first carried it, I was surprised how light the bag actually felt.
jag said:
Balenciaga! Nothing as light and its just gorgeous IRL. They are absolutely addictive too, so be forewarned! (and if you don't believe me, go to the balenciaga subforum, I am of the few girls with only one)

Hi Everyone,
I usually only post on the Balenciaga sub-forum, but since we're singing the praises of Bbags, I TOTALLY agree with everyone. They are the lightest handbag I've ever owned, the colors are gorgeous and very complex and as jag said, they are ADDICTING. How in the world have you managed to just own one, jag????
You must have super-human discipline!