mOmMy oN thE Go AcTioN piCs - mOmmY (aNd DaDdY Too), BaBY and your HeRMeS!

Mr. PP - what a gorgeous family you have - and Mrs. P's white boots are totally HOT! i was cracking up about your comment about how your son won the science fair due to your hard work. i hope he has your sense of humor too!
Oh,Mr.P. you are a lucky man.surounded by beautiful women...and your two DS look lovely. you have a great family...
Thank you everyone :flowers:

I am very much enjoying DS at this age now. He's always asking "Why mummy?" *LOL* Just this morning, he was asking me why I am wearing this pair of shoes and not that pair.

LQYB and petpringles, what a beautiful family both of you have!
Dear Queenie, thank you. you have a beautiful family too.

A walk on the beach is lots of fun...
Yes. ITA. I love this...
^^So cute! He is growing so fast. Did you put a deposit on his future SL LOL! At least by the time he is ready to drive the SL wil probably be a hybrid :smile: