Prince Harry and Meghan Markle thread

Bacon and Brie and strawberry jam sounds like a combo from the 1980s. Silver palate or New basics cookbooks come to mind. I know that there is nothing new in cuisine that cannot be traced back in time. But this is not an inspired combo. I do think someone could have given CT pointers on how to cook bacon for this.

Re the strawberry jam, clotted cream, and scone, I think Devonshire has a certain order (jam first or clotted cream IDK). M’s choice of strawberry jam as an intro product seems to reference Great Britain rather than CA. The lemons surrounding the jame still seem weird to me. The only way she could make a lot of money with this is to roll it out to mass market at a price point that college kids could afford.

It's probably semiotics-for-sillies for her partnership with Lemonada (media podcasts) only then she they got cancelled postponed
It’s not like Meghan has famous people lining up to be her friend. She can’t afford to be particular so she’ll take what she can get.

There are 50 jars and we’ve only heard from about a dozen of the recipients at most. I wish we knew who blew her off.

Thy seem to be trickling them out slowly. Long, drawn out torture for us.

I wondered about this, too. You know people like the Jenners aren’t wasting time taking pictures of their cheap gifts and posting about them on social media. Was thinking in some cases the photos were provided to whomever manages the social media and they were instructed when to post.

There may be a pay for play aspect and depending on who it is and what they can afford or would be willing to do, that’s what we get.

Not sure of Chrissy Tiegen’s angle, though. Was the pan part of her line of junk she sells so it benefitted her to do extra?
I'm surprised Lolo sent Chrissy jam. The 1st time there was a connection between them was when CT said Lolo reached out to her to commiserate (?) over her miscarriage. Right after that, CT got involved in the whole bullying scandal and Lolo dropped out of sight, not unlike how she suddenly went quiet when J Mulroney got involved in that allegedly racist brouhaha. Does CT have something Lolo wants? Like ... a rich doting talented husband?
CT is controversial but I guess TW thought there’s been enough water under the bridge. There was an outrage for a minute and then everybody moved on.
I don’t follow CT but surely she must have a huge following on SM. Right now that’s what counts.
Out of the two former briefcase girls she’s definitely the one who’s got the better deal. TW would swap lives with her in an instant if she could.
The more I see that ugly arrangement, the more it makes my stomach turn.
What is with the dull, morbid looking urn-like bowl? It's so heavy and clunky looking, it doesn't suit as a display for food.
It's like something you'd see in a graveyard, on a grave, as a display for flowers.
Could she not have found a person/business locally who makes pretty wicker baskets to supply for this dragged out look-at-me PR stunt, there must be some. It would have been nice to support a local, small business.
But why wouldn't Rachel do that? Ah, yes that's right...
The more I see that ugly arrangement, the more it makes my stomach turn.
What is with the dull, morbid looking urn-like bowl? It's so heavy and clunky looking, it doesn't suit as a display for food.
It's like something you'd see in a graveyard, on a grave, as a display for flowers.
Could she not have found a person/business locally who makes pretty wicker baskets to supply for this dragged out look-at-me PR stunt, there must be some. It would have been nice to support a local, small business.
But why wouldn't Rachel do that? Ah, yes that's right...
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She was either too cheap, or too ego driven to hire a food stylist. All the pretty food pictures out there just don't happen by themselves. Food styling is a profession. I knew someone who did this for Bon Appetit magazine.
The more I see that ugly arrangement, the more it makes my stomach turn.
What is with the dull, morbid looking urn-like bowl? It's so heavy and clunky looking, it doesn't suit as a display for food.
It's like something you'd see in a graveyard, on a grave, as a display for flowers.
Honestly, they look like cheap ceramic flower bowls that you can buy in bulk online. Their wholesale price is probably under $5 each.
Don’t forget Harry was notorious for being tight with $. I bet the two of them thought a low salary is in order because you work for a Duke and Duchess. That and their vile behaviour = no takers.

What salary? They expect you to work for the privilege of working for them. You will be able to use their names on your CV for your next job, which will come sooner rather than later because you won't be able to work very long for nothing and the bullying will get to you. They won't even give you gas money when you use your car to pick up the dry cleaning or go for a coffee run.
I'm catching up a bit, so Sorry if this has already been posted.

Jen at RHR bought a box of goodies from King Charles' Highgrove Estate shop and takes us on a tasting tour of the goodies including REAL Strawberry preserves,which look, and she says TASTE, absolutely delicious. It's fascinating to see the color difference between the Highgrove jam's rich, consistent-all-through-the-jar strawberry red color, compared to that disgusting mess from The Duchess Of Epic Failures that's more brown than red and seems to already be separating in the jar with a layer of dark, almost brownish-black "stuff" on the top.

NO contest as to which one I'd risk spreading on a slice of toast (or one of our American ripoffs we have the nerve to call English Muffins) vs which one would get chucked unopened right into the garbage bin. Once the Real Royal shelves get re-stocked, I may start writing out a Wish List (Raspberry and Strawberry for sure!)


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I’ve never heard of her either. But I stopped watching the RH franchise a long time ago. I’m still secretly hoping that Ghoul will join the RHOBH cast so that she’ll get picked apart by the other women. The ladies on these shows are ruthless and I’d be there for every delicious minute of it.

This whole scam jam campaign is lame.

These jam and lemon gifts are cute if you’re just handing it out to your neighbors, but I’d personally be embarrassed to be giving this to celebs in exchange for them to fawn all over it.
It would interesting if a giftee ignored the jam and tried out the lemons instead.
The more I see that ugly arrangement, the more it makes my stomach turn.
What is with the dull, morbid looking urn-like bowl? It's so heavy and clunky looking, it doesn't suit as a display for food.
It's like something you'd see in a graveyard, on a grave, as a display for flowers.
Could she not have found a person/business locally who makes pretty wicker baskets to supply for this dragged out look-at-me PR stunt, there must be some. It would have been nice to support a local, small business.
But why wouldn't Rachel do that? Ah, yes that's right...
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The company I work for won a trophy. I was complaining yesterday that it resembled a tombstone.
Don’t forget Harry was notorious for being tight with $. I bet the two of them thought a low salary is in order because you work for a Duke and Duchess. That and their vile behaviour = no takers.

"The DOS was unable to fulfill her ambitions within the Royal Family."
Well, when her ambitions were to be a faux feminist/ psycho philanthropist/ self-serving sociopath/ rabid retail therapist who aspired to do no work and leech off the BRF, plus be the future Kween, yeah, I can see how she felt her ambitions were thwarted.