Prince Harry and Meghan Markle thread

So they released this to upstage the news about Prince William and Catherine being in the US?. What low level people!:tdown:
The lowest of the lows. Yesterday’s fake drama paired with this trailer. All of it designed to steal W&K’s thunder. King Charles, now is the time for action, time for the Grand Reset.
I don't think SH is racist, BUT she knows what she's representing, what's at stake, what the issues have been since malicious M stirred-up sh*t. Why labour a point? Why touch a stranger's hair? Why not listen to someone you're talking to?

I have absolutely no doubt this woman could have been equally rude to any pleb of the hoi polloi, you or me included. Aristos are not known for their inclusiveness or kindness talking to the lower orders. Speaks of snobbishness "I know better than you, even about you" that's what SH was saying, push, push, push and dominate, as the one asking the questions usually is. As a host/hostess it not done, not etiquette, not nice to make your guests feel small, awkward or uncomfortable. She failed in her role.

it's incredibly rude to push your point like a cross-examination when clearly the other person is uncomfortable or thinks they've answered a question.

It's all symbolism and appearances at these things. It's not (just) about how things were, it is about appropriateness and appearances. BRF what right to to let her go. This is a important time for KC and the BRF leading up to the Coronation, H&M are constantly trying to undermine his family, that's all they've got. Whatever this Lady's past service (nice job to have if you ask me) anyone giving H&M ammunition to hit the BRF with needed to be shown the door.

Now someone has gained sympathy and a whole heap of publicity for herself and is seen as some kind of hero for attending an event, why, for having been talked to the way normal people have been talked to for centuries.

I have absolutely no idea what, what Ngozi wears matters. She answered Hussey's question politely enough. Ngozi tries to help victims of domestic abuse most days of the week, I'm sure she's not on may designer brands PR list and she has other priorities. I feel sorry for her, she has my sympathy, but I didn't like the way she handled things either, she could have complained internally to the Palace first without embarrassing her hosts and everyone else at/organising the party by broadcasting the conversation interrogation.
By George you have it … SH might have been equally rude to any pleb of the hoi polloi ..
For what it's worth!

Yes another awesome analysis … how convenient … proof of racism before the Ripple award
And did you notice … the color photo collage of MM Archie and Doria, that is Donna Brazile in the bottom , a US political power player , MM was not zooming with Santa Claus, she was zooming with the ex head of a political party - a clear message from MM , I have important friends
Yes another awesome analysis … how convenient … proof of racism before the Ripple award
And did you notice … the color photo collage of MM Archie and Doria, that is Donna Brazile in the bottom , a US political power player , MM was not zooming with Santa Claus, she was zooming with the ex head of a political party - a clear message from MM , I have important friends
So what? So-called Important friends will not change who H&M are, the worst of the worst. In the DM’s photos, there is zero chemistry between them. The quotes emphasize their victim mindset. King Charles will take action, possibly today.
IDK if this was some sort of trap but if it was apparently it worked very well
For whom? :giggle:
Direct commercial flights either from the Santa Barbara or Los Angeles airports to Indianapolis are few and far between. So in all fairness to TW, flying private might have been the only way to get there and back in one day. Regular folks of course would have stayed overnight in Indianapolis and flown out the next day if they were flying commercial. But we have no way of knowing what other prior commitments she may have had back in CA. Having said that, we know she prefers to fly private even in cases when there are excellent commercial flight alternatives but just pointing out that in this case there may have been a valid reason other than just attributing it to her massive ego and self-importance.
You're kinder than I am. Delta and AA both fly direct LAX to IND but she would have had to stay overnight. Oh the horror of staying at a Marriott in flyover country! Since they've apparently decided to focus on racism as their primary cause I'm sure she feels no need to maintain the pretense of being an eco-warrior and flying commercial. But she'll claim she couldn't wait to get back to Hazy and the kids.
Normally I don't go down the rabbit hole BUT I am a bit more suspicious now knowing that Ngozi is a Megs stan and has often said things against the BRF, such as Megs being a victim of domestic violence by her in-laws...the hell????? Why was she even invited or agreed to attend if she felt this way about the BRF?

Of course it doesn't change the fact that if this went down as stated, LSH was rude and inappropriate, but now I am left wondering if like someone said yesterday that Ngozi was ready to play.
So they released this to upstage the news about Prince William and Catherine being in the US?. What low level people!:tdown:
Timing ? Yesterdays racism at the palace story to soften the effect of their monstrous pity party Netflix made up stories - this will make the Crown seem as real as a history book - utter piffle
Direct commercial flights either from the Santa Barbara or Los Angeles airports to Indianapolis are few and far between. So in all fairness to TW, flying private might have been the only way to get there and back in one day. Regular folks of course would have stayed overnight in Indianapolis and flown out the next day if they were flying commercial. But we have no way of knowing what other prior commitments she may have had back in CA. Having said that, we know she prefers to fly private even in cases when there are excellent commercial flight alternatives but just pointing out that in this case there may have been a valid reason other than just attributing it to her massive ego and self-importance.
the last thing she wants to be is "regular folks"....she has her golden goose and she doesn't want to ever to back to being "regular"
I think that would be the best punishment for her
If she put it in her contract and the Indianapolis ladies were willing to pay for it, it's kind of hard to fault her for taking the private jet. Even when she was a nobody, her manager managed to coerce Reitman and others to spring for better class air tickets and hotels. So I'm not surprised that in her current status of Nobody Extraordinaire cum Faux EcoWarrior, she wants private jets.
Maybe, but I doubt this group would spring for a private jet. Round trip would be at least $50K. From what I've read the charity hosts this event every year, companies buy tables and expect employees to attend. It was not a unique or exclusive event. Someone just had the bright idea to invite her as the keynote speaker. A commenter on Twitter said she was probably annoyed it was in a hotel ballroom and not an arena, which is where the event was held when Michelle O. was the keynote speaker.
And the promo is out, so fake

one could ask what she means by "when the stakes are this high".....wants to keep her status and money of course
Judge Judy Eye Roll GIF