Prince Harry and Meghan Markle thread

Where is that vomit emoji...?

Here you go and that goes for me also. 123.gif

As for Harry being a sex symbol, I'm ROTFL. I must be getting really really old because I can't see his appeal now and never did. I find Yoda so much sexier than him. Here is sex appeal personified.:girlsigh::girlsigh:

yul brenner the king and i 1.jpg
Sex symbol?? I like my man to actually have a pair. :biggrin:

Some women like 'em submissive. What their fans really like is the whole fantasy story we were sold that Harry gave it all up for the love and protection of Meghan. (Cue the chick flick musical score!) There are too many grown women out there who still want to believe love is like a Hallmark movie or a paperback romance.
After sleeping on it, I'm also wondering why this wasn't brought up earlier. It's very touching that the reporter is following up with the story a year later, but didn't Mulroney have any other friends besides H's wife? So many articles describe her and her husband as a power couple. Doesn't she have connections, familial or otherwise, who can advise her? No one spoke up on her behalf at all? Everyone ditched her? If she had this evidence, why didn't she seek legal counsel? Sorry for being cynical, but it's hard to believe that in the entire Canadian press corps, no one asked her for her side of the story. Maybe the truth is somewhere in-between.
Much like Harry's wife's interview with Oprah, once the racism word is spoken or implied, its game over. You're untouchable and your claims will never be investigated. (I'm still trying to wrap my head around how Jussie Smollet got busted). No media outlet whether it's ABC, CNN, People, The NYT, Vogue, The Globe & Mail... none of them are going to question anything. Your friends and co-workers cannot come to your defence as they will then be publicly accused as being racist as well. Their careers will also be over - we've seen this happen to other people. People have become so afraid of saying the wrong thing that saying nothing is the only option for them.
This was a clear example of cancel culture - evidence or other sides of the story are no longer needed to judge. Nothing Jessica would’ve said publicly at the time would’ve been a good look for her. Everyone on IG was stomping their feet demanding influencers and companies to support BLM... or ELSE. I wonder how some of the influencers I follow feel now, having been pressured to donate thousands and post receipts, knowing it very well may have helped fund a couple mansions for one of the leaders.
This, exactly.
Meghan Markle Wins Last Court Copyright Claim Over Letter to Her Father

Meghan Markle’s case against Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) received a further boost on Wednesday with the latest ruling in her favor.

Markle had sued Associated Newspapers, publishers of The Mail on Sunday and MailOnline, for publishing articles that in 2018 reproduced parts of a letter she had sent to her father Thomas Markle, on the grounds that they misused private information, infringed copyright and breached the Data Protection Act.

Lawyers for ANL had argued that the letter was co-authored by Jason Knauf, former communications secretary to the Sussexes, implying that its copyright belonged to the Crown.

However, on Wednesday, a U.K. High Court heard that Knauf “emphatically” denied being a co-author. In addition, lawyers representing the Queen informed Markle’s legal representation that they “did not consider the Crown to be the copyright owner.”

Knauf’s lawyers told the court: “Mr Knauf did not draft, and has never claimed to have drafted, any parts of the electronic draft or the letter and would never have asserted copyright over any of their content. In our client’s view, it was the duchess’s letter alone.”

Representing Markle, Ian Mill, QC, told the court: “This unequivocal statement of Mr Knauf’s position also gives the lie to the defendant’s inferential case, in its defence to both the privacy and copyright claims, that the claimant considered using the letter ‘as part of a media strategy.’”

Acting upon this, Lord Justice Warby granted summary judgement, meaning a final judgement in Markle’s favor that avoids a trial.

This is the latest in a series of court victories for Markle against ANL. In February, a U.K. High Court ruled in favor of her, saying that she had “reasonable expectation that the contents of the letter would remain private.”

Wanna just say, apparently for some people, compassion is not inborn but needs to be activated, like a switch. These people seem to switch it on for some, to achieve their own purposes, and then off for others, like their own Fathers and families. :doh:

Self-proclaimed very occasional Royal Commentator.

Yes!!! Ginger is extending his brilliant work in vaccines to the development of new drugs to target that particular switch and activate the genes of compassion. I would like to add that his lovely wife will be the first person to enroll in the clinical trial.

We would like to encourage you to share you ideas more often.
I believe it is a collection of photos, she sponsored a CVOVID-distracting photo competition during lockdown, but that is from memory and i do not know the name of the book
I googled for the notice but all i found was a bunch of gossip books about her
You can preorder Kate’s book on Amazon. Ive just placed my order - so want her to outsell H’s wife.
Oh, yes... that military uniform :yes:
Phil Dampier, author of Royally Suited: Harry and Meghan In Their Own Words, told Fabulous that Meghan is using the book to highlight how sad Harry is to lose his military titles.

He explained: “The illustration of a red-haired soldier (obviously you know who) hugging his little boy, looks as though he has come home from war after many years and pulls at the heart-strings.

“Mum is in tears as she looks through the window, and sees her husband returning from battle to pick up family life once more.

“It’s a scenario familiar to so many military couples separated by conflicts.

“But of course it wasn't a reality for Harry, who was in a different relationship when he served in Afghanistan.

“Rather Meghan is probably showing how much the Army meant to Harry and how upset he is to lose his military titles.

Oh, yes... that military uniform :yes:
View attachment 5075420
Phil Dampier, author of Royally Suited: Harry and Meghan In Their Own Words, told Fabulous that Meghan is using the book to highlight how sad Harry is to lose his military titles.

He explained: “The illustration of a red-haired soldier (obviously you know who) hugging his little boy, looks as though he has come home from war after many years and pulls at the heart-strings.

“Mum is in tears as she looks through the window, and sees her husband returning from battle to pick up family life once more.

“It’s a scenario familiar to so many military couples separated by conflicts.

“But of course it wasn't a reality for Harry, who was in a different relationship when he served in Afghanistan.

“Rather Meghan is probably showing how much the Army meant to Harry and how upset he is to lose his military titles.


IMO since the book is designed for ages 3-7 (?), most young children won’t read that much into the picture. I do wonder if there is enough text for the 5-7 year olds. Don’t they need more substance? more story?

ETA: What a coincidence that the book launches one day after the concert that they pushed their way into! Odd how that all works out, no?
Oh, yes... that military uniform :yes:
View attachment 5075420
Phil Dampier, author of Royally Suited: Harry and Meghan In Their Own Words, told Fabulous that Meghan is using the book to highlight how sad Harry is to lose his military titles.

He explained: “The illustration of a red-haired soldier (obviously you know who) hugging his little boy, looks as though he has come home from war after many years and pulls at the heart-strings.

“Mum is in tears as she looks through the window, and sees her husband returning from battle to pick up family life once more.

“It’s a scenario familiar to so many military couples separated by conflicts.

“But of course it wasn't a reality for Harry, who was in a different relationship when he served in Afghanistan.

“Rather Meghan is probably showing how much the Army meant to Harry and how upset he is to lose his military titles.

Didn't find Kate's book, but found another interesting one. I wonder if Harry's wife would like a copy for Mother's Day!
View attachment 5075416
Here's the description of Kate's book being published. There really is no comparison possible between what this book represents in terms of service to her subjects from Kate vs the vanity volume of no consequence from that other woman.
How Kate Middleton Helped Turn Her Pandemic Photo Project Into a Charitable Book
By Morgan Halberg • 03/30/21 2:13pm

Kate Middleton is venturing in to the publishing realm with her photography project, Hold Still. Matt Porteous via Getty Images

Last year, Kate Middleton teamed up with the National Portrait Gallery to launch a special photography project, Hold Still. The Duchess of Cambridge, who is royal patron of the National Portrait Gallery, asked people from all around the U.K. to submit a photographic portrait depicting their lives amid the coronavirus pandemic; the goal was to capture the “portrait of the nation” during the COVID-19 crisis.

Duchess Kate and a panel of judges received over 31,000 submissions, and selected 100 images that were put on display for a digital exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery. Now, the project is being turned into a special coffee table book, titled Hold Still: A Portrait of Our Nation in 2020.