What's Her Best Look?


tPF Bish
Jul 7, 2006

Elisha Cuthbert


Demi Moore
Elisha - longer
Demi - down
Heidi - bangs
Alicia - curly
Shakira - either way
Sienna - down
Carla - darker
Debra - up
Rihanna - without the bangs.
Elisha -shorter,it's a shame to hide such a pretty face beneath long stringy hair!
Demi - bald :roflmfao:
Heidi - either style
Alicia - straight
Shakira - wavy
Sienna - down
Carla - blonde
Debra -needs to go shorter
Rihanna - needs to add some waves and volume
Elisha: short
Demi: down
Heidi: up
Alicia: wavy
Shakira: wavy
Sienna: neither
Carla: straight and dark
Debra: down (and yes she does look like Lucille Ball!)
Rihanna: with the fringe
Elisha long
Demi long
Heidi pulled back
Alicia straight and long
Shakira straight and long
Sienna bob if thats what its called?
Carla curly
Debra long
Rihanna bob without bangs